
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Group 3 - "So long, and thanks for all the fish" or "Food for Bulimics"

We quickly deviated from our topics into an infinite regress, as philosophers often do when presented with tough questions of social importance, but we were also quick to agree on certain possible experimental initiatives to deal with both issues at hand.

For the issue of overfishing - we had the idea of gradually bringing the fishing enterprise inland through the use of massive fish-farms. If Congress can pass a bill that makes it easier for genetically modified agriculture to exist on the market, perhaps the same fate might exist for biologically engineered fish - grown to be farmed for the highest yield for consumers, and never to be introduced into the market. This idea was even expanded into city sustainability, with the possibility of these fish also being used for the sake of fertilizing nitrogen-rich aqueous solutions with their waste, in which civic greenhouses could provide even more food for people. If this idea seems too radical for us to see in our near future, perhaps a rebranding of fish that are in excess in the wild was proposed by Dr. Oliver, where the "Chilean Sea-Bass," (I believe) formerly known as something far less appetizing, is now far more popular simply due to its new name, which offers hope for fish like Tuna, who seem to be thinning in number.

For the issue of bulima, the discussion as expected, immediately went to the uses of medical cannabis and its successes in clinical trial, in which the effects of cannabis not only increased the appetite of the patient, but also helped regulate their bodily equilibrium so it could better handle the effects of food finally entering the digestive system so suddenly and allowed to be fully digested without being purged. Bulima is a serious social ill and touches lives far deeper than what cannabis, in all of its wonder, might be able to cure. An individual in a circumstance such as this should be supported by friends and family members, who would hopefully be attentive enough to bring medical attention to the issue before a tragedy befalls their beloved, as in the case of Terri Schiavo.


  1. What the oceans need is…fishing poles instead of nets? More human control doesn’t sound like the right answer to repairing the food chain as well as the ecosystem, but I don’t know. As for bulimia, it’s sad to think about people eating food just to throw it up when plenty of people would love to eat that same food and digest it. Just imagine all of the wasted fish…

  2. "The name "Chilean sea bass" was invented by a fish wholesaler named Lee Lantz in 1977," (Wiki.) to rebrand the Patagonian toothfish. Sounds delicious, no?

  3. I disagree Mary, I think we are too far gone to just stop trying to control it, as in I don't think we could sustain our actual needs (as a species) with just poles. but we do need to reboot the system, I feel it is way too corrupt and allows for too much destruction.
