
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daily Quiz

Feb. 25

1. What was the first successfully decoded genome?

2. What was Venter's new genome sequencing technique named?

3. What was the first live organism sequenced by Venter's method?

4. True/False: Gram positive bacteria show up pink/red during a Gram Stain test.

5. What is meant by the term "essential" amino acids?

6. What is a bacteriophage?

7. Who pioneered the plus-minus sequencing of DNA and sequenced the first viral DNA genome?

8. (T/F) Mycoplasma genitalium has the smallest known genome. 

[If your FQs are "NOTED" below but not in the quiz, help yourself to a QR... & as always, take your bases.]

1. RNA viral genome-bacteriophage MS2 (pg 48). 2. whole genome shotgun sequencing (pg 53). 3. haemophilus influenzae. 4. False. 5. They cannot be manufactured by cells in the body and must be obtained through diet. 6. A virus that uses bacteria as hosts to replicate. 7. (Fred Sanger) p.48. 8. A: True (P. 54)


What color do gram positive bacteria stain? -Purple

What implications could the creation of human microorganisms present? If humans can create synthetic life does it deserve the same considerations as natural life?


FQ: T/F. Comparative genomics states that evolution tends to use the same structure/sequence over and over again if that structure plays a critical biological function.
(True) p.53

FQ: T/F. Archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than prokaryotes. 
(True) p.56

FQ: Which two enzymes had a major contribution to deciphering the genetic code?
( Reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase) p.67

DQ: Do you think major research results should be published openly to the laity or kept under strong surveillance?

DQ#2: Does the creation of synthetic life point to the life's lack of vitalism or to the proof of Spinosa'z God?


FQ: What stops the DNA polymerase from adding additional nucleotides to the growing DNA chain?
A: Dideoxynucleotides or terminator nucleotides (P. 48)

FQ: What is the carbon source for every protein and lipid in a Methanococcus cell? This can also be converted to methane to generate cellular energy.
A:Carbon Dioxide (P. 55)

FQ: The structures seen in the meteorite, ALH 84001, from Mars were produced by living nanobacterium. (True/False)
A: False (P. 56-57)

DQ: Are experiments, such as Marshall's experiment of swallowing a solution of Helicobacter pylori, worth risking your life to gain further knowledge of a specific organism?

Link: Can there be gray area between religion, politics, and contraceptive?

DQ- I would like to discuss with the group if it would be difficult for them to throw caution to the wind as Venter does, uncaring about his reputation? Also, how would it affect them to work with someone with a tarnished reputation and take a huge gamble, much like Hamilton Smith did?

(DQ) What sort of problems could we solve today by creating new microorganisms?

LINK: Venter-

LINK: Sanger's method of DNA sequencing:

1 comment:

  1. I support you answers and want to make a complement. The new gene sequencing technology is the third generation sequencing instrument. The third generation sequencing instrument includes single molecule sequencing. At present, the main products of this sequencing instrument are Pacificbioscience and OxfordNanopore.
