
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Group 3: Chapter 6

     Today we spent a huge portion of our class discussing social contract philosophies and those that affiliate with it, including John Rawls, Thomas Hobbes, J. Rousseau, and John Locke. We briefly touched on a point that being a celebrity should not grant privilege to the healthcare, in a case like jumping up the list to receive a kidney transplant. We have, also, discussed the lifeboat situation and a few people have stated their opinions on the issue.
     For those that have missed the class today, we will take a look at the links that have been nominated as interesting next Tuesday and our exam, covering the first book, will be on Thursday.
     Groups did not have a lot of discussion time; however, we did talk about a possible mid term presentation topic which will center around a movie that is similar to the lifeboat scenario presented in the book.
     Factual questions for Exam 1:
---------these are all of the factual questions asked in our group; once every group has posted theirs we can make the list shorter -------

1- The idea of Natural Law, which bases itself upon the departure from ''natural procreation'', is a principal that belongs to which philosopher and theologian?
(Thomas Aquinas)

2-What is inverse care law?
(The availability of good healthcare varies with the need of the population served) p148

3- What is therapeutic misconception?
(Wrongly believing a new experimental research project may benefit a particular patients illness)

4- Name two of the four codes that protect an individual from malicious research.
(protection of the research participant is paramount, independent ethical review, scientific validity, fully informed and voluntary consent, acceptable balance of risks and benefits. p.116)

5- In what kind of a randomized clinical trail (RCT) does neither the researcher nor the research subject know to which group any patient is assigned?
(double blind. p.121)

6- Which famous, contemporary philosopher coined a term called speciesism?
(Peter Signer. p122)

7- Name the features that represent a valid consent between a health care professional and a patient.
(it must be informed, competent, and voluntary)

8- (T/F) According to the book, confidentiality should not be breached when there is a clear threat to a specific individual.

9- What are the two major spheres of justice discussed by Campbell?
(Social Justice and Distributive Justice)

10- What 2 major factors need to be considered when informing a patient about a treatment?
(Severity and Probability)

11- What is medical paternalism?
(The idea that the doctor always knows best, beyond what is known about the medical facts and consequences.)

12- In religions, like Buddhism, what is meant by the ''way of dharma''? 
(a way of a universal spirituality which maintains and nurtures all life)

13-: List the five major religions mentioned in the book in a chronological order, starting with the earliest.
(Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

14- True/False. If a chronic patient is not getting any any better, the physician's primary role is to generate furor therapeutics. 

15- Which theory has been dominant in bioethics and often used by many health professionals?

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