
Monday, January 26, 2015

BB Chapter 2 Discussion and Fact Questions

Fact Questions

1. What is consequentialism?
2. What is the best form of consequentialism?
3. What does the Greatest Happiness Principle say? Who made it?
4. The _________ of _________ is also a feature of all medicine and health.
5. What are the problems with consequentialism?
6. What is the deontological theory?
7. Immanuel Kant had two imperatives. What are they?
8. What is virtue ethics?
9. What is communitarianism?
10. What is libertarianism?
11. What are the components of the Georgetown Mantra? Who made it?

Discussion Questions

1. What exactly is justice in medicine?
2. If moral rules such as the Golden Rule or "never tell a lie" only applies to some situations, is it really okay to tell younger generations about these rules?
4. Is it a necessity to have good reason and emotion to be quite virtuous? What if you're missing one or both?
5. Should paternalism be eliminated from healthcare?


  1. Factual Questions
    Who was the most powerful exponent of the deontological theory? (Hint: German Philosopher from the 18th century.) (BB 25)

    The idea of 'the _______ as a _______' has become commonplace in the therapeutic relationship. It led to a new emphasis on the autonomy of patient choice. (BB 27)

    John Stuart Mill distinguishes between what two types of pleasures? (BB 22)

    Discussion Questions
    In your opinion, if you choose to leave information out of a conversation you are having (without the general topic being prompted to cognizance by the other party) would you consider this to be deceitful in that moment? Is determining if this is deceitful or a 'lie' contingent upon the benefit/cost ratio of both parties?

    1. First question: Immanuel Kant
      Second question: patient as a person
      Third: pain and pleasure

  2. FQ: What is Aristotle's main contribution to ethics called? (BB32)
    FQ: Name 3 of the Four Principles mentioned near the end of the chapter. (BB 43)

  3. Virtue ethics and beneficence, justice, and autonomy

  4. FQ- What is the Greatest Happiness Principle and who made it? (The idea that people should make decisions to produce the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people and Jeremy Bentham)
    FQ- What is "felcific calculus"? (The measurement of human happiness)
    DQ- Is Kant's idea of deontology a good way to make important and vital decisions especially medical?
