My blog posts will consider the possibility of designer
babies. This first blog post is intended to accomplish 2 things:
Discuss the current possibilities with designer
babies. What does our current technology allow us to do with regards to genetic
modification of our offspring? What is realistically in the near future?
Discuss the potential benefits of designer
babies that are most rewarding (and there are many).
The second blog post is intended to:
Discuss the potential downfalls of designer
babies that may be the most destructive (and there are many).
The third blog post is intended to:
Discuss my opinion on the subject, which
hopefully will materialize out of thin air by the time I get to the third post,
because right now I am very conflicted (as I am in most philosophical
The current technology regarding designer babies is not
quite to the point where many people begin to disagree with the practice
itself. Currently, researchers may already utilize genetic analysis on gametes
to determine the possibility of genetic illness before implanting the gamete.
This process is essentially pre-genetic “screening,” and can eliminate some potentially
genetic defects to appear from the offspring (i.e. Down Syndrome). In fact,
doctors are currently able to screen for more than 400 common genetic diseases
today, and that number continues to grow. However, technology does not
currently allow for direct genetic modifications via the insertion or deletion
of gene segments, or direct manipulations of the genome to choose for common
physical traits like hair/eye color, height, etc. Even so, parents do have the option to create multiple
gametes and choose which gamete to fertilize based on the genetic analysis.
The potential benefits of such technology should be obvious.
Perhaps the most immediate benefit of genetic screening and designer babies is
the fact that parents can eliminate the possibility that their child is born
with a debilitating genetic disease, one that could result in debilitating
phenotypic consequences and long-term suffering (for both parties, parent and
offspring). The elimination of such diseases on the population presents a
strong argument for pro-designer baby arguers, and may carry even greater effects
down the line when more advanced screening becomes available (i.e. genes which
increase the chance of cancer, heart disease, etc.). To a supporter of designer
baby genetic screening, it would almost seem unethical to deny our offspring the best chance at life via a genetic pre-screening.
Another potential benefit of such technology is the creation
of a phenotypically “pure” and superior race of human beings. With enough
generations employing this technology, the future of the human race would be
theoretically in the hands of a perfect species with the current genetic pool
available, and may even result in the creation of a new, superior species
altogether, one that could answer many of the current mysteries of life due to
their elite intelligence, focus, and intuition.
Seems like it could be difficult to draw a line as to what is acceptable and what is not!