
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quiz Jan.21

Bioethics: The Basics (BB), ch1
  • Bring your written answers to class, we'll swap and grade them. 
  • You get a run just for taking the quiz, and if you ace it with six correct answers you'll get another. There's no penalty for missed questions, you've got nothing to lose. The three exams (at the end of February, March, & April) will be drawn from the quizzes, so these questions are part of your growing study guide.
  • Supplement my quiz questions with your own, in the "comments" section below, and earn a run.
  • Your correct answers to others' supplemental quiz questions count.
  • You can also earn additional runs, up to five per class, by posting relevant comments, questions for discussion, links to articles and videos etc.
  • Note in your dated personal log if you took the quiz, who graded it, if you aced it, if you posted any comments, questions, or links, or did anything else you think entitles you to a run.
  • Don't forget to post your Introduction ("Who are you? Why are you here?")

1.(T/F) Campbell's examples of bioethical questions include whether health care professionals must meet higher standards than businesspeople, the ethics of longevity via pharmacology, designer babies, human/animal hybrids, state paternalism, euthanasia, and environmental ethics.

2. Bioethics just means _______.

3. The _________ required that 'The health of my patient must be my first consideration.' (Hippocratic Oath, Geneva Code, British Medical Association, International Association of Bioethics)

4. What 40-year U.S. study denied information and treatment to its subjects?

5. What did Ivan Ilich warn about in Medical Nemesis?

6. Bioethics has expanded its focus from an originally narrower interest in what relationship?

  • Bioethics has broken free of what mentality?
  • (T/F) Campbell thinks caveat emptor is a good principle for governing the contractual clinical encounter between doctor and patient. 
  • Do descriptive claims settle evaluative issues?
  • Name a bioethical website Campbell recommends.
*Some possible Discussion Questions (DQs) - after the quiz we'll select one to kick off a brief class discussion followed by longer group discussion, which some of us may wish to do peripatetically, in the corridors if not out in the chill:
  • Are there any important bioethical issues you think Campbell has neglected to mention in ch.1? 
  • What do you see as the connection between bioethical and environmental issues? 
  • Do you agree that we have "over-medicalized" human experience? 
  • Is there anything wrong with "medical tourism"? 
  • Do you agree that the doctor-patient relationship is NOT "a straightforward provider-consumer relationship? Why or why not? 
  • Etc. etc. - submit your DQ suggestions in "comments" below.
Also of interest: Despite all the talk of over-treatment and high costs, end-of-life care in the United States isn’t as bad as you might think. A new documentary pulls back the curtain on some of America’s most popular over-the-counter dietary supplements. Many colleagues reacted with disbelief after Dr. David H. Newman was charged with sexually abusing two patients in an emergency room at Manhattan’s Mount Sinai Hospital. The number of Americans age 100 and older — those born during Woodrow Wilson’s administration and earlier — is up by 44 percent since 2000, federal health officials reported Thursday.


  1. Quiz Question
    What are "biomedical ethics?"

    1. The ethics of life as it applies to the practice of medicine and health professions.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. A system that integrates values and judgements of morality into the medical practice.

    4. Biomedical ethics encompasses the ethics of biomedical research , medicine, and healthcare.

      Biomedical can be defined as relating to both biology and medicine.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Controversial issues that emerge from medicine with possible solutions that may not fully answer all issues but atleast initiate a forward direction.

  2. Do you agree that the doctor-patient relationship is NOT "a straightforward provider-consumer relationship? Why or why not?

    I absolutely agree that it is not a straightforward provider-consumer relationship. As Campbell says, there is an inherent vulnerability to this relationship that renders it substantially different from other types of exchanges. The patient is reliant upon the doctor in ways that a consumer can never depend upon a car salesman or even their mechanic. Often ill patients and their families are not in the right frame of mind to make sound decisions. More frequent still, the vast difference of knowledge between the decision makers and the doctors complicate the matter further. Therefore, those receiving care often look and rely upon the caregivers not just for their expertise but also for their judgment, their advice, and solace. This develops the "therapeutic relationship" Campbell mentions, thus making the bond between patient and doctor wholly unique.

  3. Discussion Question
    Campbell references "the somewhat smug traditional approach to the nobility of the medical profession." Previously doctors had been entrusted to make far more ethical calls than they do today. Do you believe there is or have you experienced some of the lingering bias that doctors innately exhibit better ethical judgment?


    An interesting discussion on bioethics between a professor on bioethics and a philosopher, including the importance of bioethics. It's pretty interesting and the reaction to it in the comments section is worth browsing as well. This video is about ten minutes in length.


    This link leads to the blog for the center for practical bioethics. The most recent post regards death panels. The post is about the recommendation of denying patients expensive medications for infectious diseases if they do not follow the recommendations of their physicians, specifically regarding lifestyle changes. It's a short and easy read but opened my eyes to something occurring in Kansas that I was unaware of.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Discussion Question:

    How effective is the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights?

  8. Quiz Question:

    What did Eliot Freidson argue in his book, Profession of Medicine?

    Campbell, Alastair V. (2013-05-29). Bioethics: The Basics (p. 13). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.

  9. Quiz question:

    Give one of the four ways mentioned by Campbell that bioethics has been applied to practical issues.

  10. Is there anything wrong with "medical tourism"?

    I believe that in theory, it is wrong, a law became a law because it has been thought through carefully. However, without universal laws and rules, there are clearly opposing opinions on issues that call upon medical tourism. If there is still debate and disagreement, people should feel free to go anywhere where they agree.

    1. I personally believe that it should be up to the patient to determine their method for treatment. If they personally believe that placing precious stones on their body will cure their cancer or another country is better educated on their illness, they should have a personal right to seek what they deem best for themself, and no one should regulate that. This is a very interesting topic. Thank you for this discussion topic.

  11. I thought I was pretty up to date on most bio ethical issues, but I didn't even think about human - animal hybrids. I had to look it up because I had to know why this would even be an issue. I found this article on the Center for Genetics and Society website. I thought others might like a little enlightenment on the subject as well!


    I thought this video was interesting. I watched a Grey's Anatomy episode recently. In that episode, the patient needed a blood transfusion, but denied it because of what he believes in. In this video, John Kilner discusses possible bioethical questions that Christians are asking about.

  13. Quiz question:

    Which foundation paved the way for the globalization of bioethics?

  14. Do you agree that the doctor-patient relationship is NOT "a straightforward provider-consumer relationship? Why or why not?

    For me I think that most will agree to this statement. However, the "why not" may be slightly different so here is mine. To me each person/patient is an individual. With that being said, It is my personal conviction ,upon becoming a medical professional, to take that into account with each patient I receive. A particular disease may not have much variation in how it effects a patient ,but how a patient copes mentally with a disease and how that disease affects their world may be completely different. Therefore, I believe it is our responsibility, as future medical professional (primarily) to be willing to bear our patients burdens and even offer advice not only from our medical expertise but from our lives in order to better the lives of our patients from a social, emotional, or even spiritual aspect. The problem with over medicating the human experience is that most medical issues tend to stem from social issues and if we are willing to address those issues when appropriate we can ensure a complete healing of future patients and ultimately the improvement of the world around us.

  15. My thoughts on Medical Tourism:

    I wasn't quite sure what I thought about Medical tourism initially. I have heard many horror stories about patients travelling to countries with cheaper healthcare and more lax laws regarding certain procedures and as a result receiving botched results.

    There are many foreseeable downsides to medical tourism; however, it is possible that medical tourism can be a positive. Some countries can have unsafe or very limited (for unjust reasons) services available to citizens; therefore, individuals wishing for a specific procedure or a safer procedure should be allowed to go to a region where this is available to them.

    Of course ethical and safe procedures are not universal which is why medical tourism is a thing. This is a very though provoking topic.

  16. Quiz Question:

    Proponents have argued that what kind of stem cell research will eliminate embryonic stem cells?

  17. Suggested Discussion Question:

    Are you in support of or against support of utilizing stem cells (ESC or iPSC) for research purposes and/or treatment options for certain diseases?

  18. Laws in accordance to bioethics could help our scientific approach for human healthcare by staying within the parameters that are deemed appropriate to our customs, beliefs, and teachings; however, there could be a lack in further research that would not be gained due to restrictions. Many discoveries have been acquired by accident while studying other things. It should be thought that these restrictions would be a restraint on the further progression on our understanding of how things work. While certain political systems would hinder the research, others would take advantage of the situation and discover more. This could leave those choosing not to allow studies behind in the scientific world. What is the limit to things that can be regulated by a system in accordance to its laws, and should those seeking to ignore the laws relocate themselves to areas of the world where they do not have these restrictions? This and other issues should be studied carefully. It seems the only one that can answer these questions would be each individual in accordance with their studies and beliefs. What are your thoughts on how technology should be regulated in accordance to ethics?

  19. Is there anything wrong with "medical tourism"?

    I'm in between on whether I think anything is wrong with medical tourism. I think it can depend on numerable things , such as the medical provisions that are already provided in your country. After reading more about tourism, who's to say that physicians and surgeons are more experienced in other countries than the United States. I think that there are a couple of downsides as well, being that the services provided in other countries may not be up to the sanitary standards as other facilities across the world. This is a very intriguing topic , and would be interesting to hear other aspects. I do think the key to medical tourism is that it's important to do your research before stepping into new territories.
