I'll be covering the section that begins on page 11 and stopping at the section that begin on page 23. Reading can be found here.
Quiz Questions (My annotations might help)
1. In the face of advancing biotechnology, Habermas asks how "the implementation of these achievements affects our ________________." (p. 12)
2. "[The] possibility of of a self-critical appropriation of one's own developmental history is not availble in regard to _________________." (p.14)
3. Habermas says that "the breadth of biotechnological interventions raises moral questions that are not simply difficult in the familiar sense, but are _____________________." (p.14)
4. "Today, even the general public confronts questions whose moral weight greatly exceeds the substance of __________________." (p.17)
5. What does preimplantation genetic diagnosis allow us to do? (p.17)
6. "The development of genetic engineering has acquired a dynamic which threatens to steamroll the inherently slow-paced processes of an ethicopolitical opinion and will formation in the public sphere" because of two influences: ___________ and _______________. (p.18)
7. Johannes Rau said, "Once you start to instrumentalize human life, once you start to distinguish between ______________ and ___________, you embark on a course where there is no stopping point." (p.19)
8. "Application of preimplantation technology is bound up with the normative question of 'whether the fact that one was conditionally created and had one's right to existence and development depend on genetic screening is consistent with the _____________.'" (p.20)
- What are the dangers of market-driven research and development? Have we seen this in other industries?
- Are you ready to live in a society which is ready to swap sensitivity regarding the normative and natural foundations of its existence for the narcissistic indulgence of our own preferences?
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