
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Study Guide For Next Exam

April 4:

Oliver Sacks, Gratitude

1. What does "Mercury" celebrate? What was Sacks' elemental age when he wrote it?

2. Perfect weather sometimes elicited what exclamation from Sacks?

3. What does nunc dimittis mean?

4. Why were Johnson and Boswell angry with David Hume?

5. Of what did Sacks think he was more conscious, at 80?

6. What was the title of Hume's autobiography?

7. What attitude towards life did Sacks come to share with Hume, after receiving his diagnosis?

8. What did Sacks, contrary to Crick, not see as a problem?

9. What did "celestial splendor" make Sacks think about?

10. To what did Sacks turn, in times of stress?

11. What did Sacks intend to do with his "intermission"?

12. What were Sacks' mother's harsh words that made him hate religious bigotry?

March 28:

1. What does Paul Offit find laughable?

2. How much revenue did the rotavirus vaccine and Lipitor generate, respectively?

3. What did a Nashville woman sell for $50?

4. What did Jacobsen v. Massachussetts (1905) uphold?

5. What 20th century political philosopher does Biss's sister mention, in criticizing "Dr.Bob's" counsel of silence?

6. What paradoxical emotional state does Biss say is induced by citizenship in this country?

7. What "cultural obsession of the moment" do some mothers consider a viable substitute for vaccination? OR, what problematic implication of their obsession do some fail to consider? 

8. Whose errant article "Deadly Immunity" was retracted, but only in its corrected version?

9. Who said "a scientist is never certain"? OR, Who advocated "negative capability"? 

10. What was the bioethicist who said "it's not a matter of if, but when" referring to? 

11. Immunologist Polly Matzinger's _____ Model says the immune system is more responsive to entities that do damage than with those that are merely foreign. 

12. Who said "we must cultivate our garden," which for Biss implies recognizing immunity as "a garden we tend together"? 

March 21, OI 40-76

1. "Natural" has popularly come to mean what, in the context of medicine?

2. The most unnatural aspect of vaccination is what?

3. What led to the creation of the EPA?

4. What kind of thinking makes no room for ambiguous identities, and what does it threaten?

5. What "troubling dualisms" characterize the vaccination debate?

6. What practice went on in China and India for hundreds of years, to combat smallpox?

7. What metaphor is implied by "inoculation"?

8. What disappointed Biss about the immuno-semiotics conference?

9. What game metaphor does Biss prefer, to describe our immune systems and viral pathogens?

10. What caused the fatal form of croup that has virtually disappeared in this country since the '30s?

11. What caused the spread of puerpal sepsis ("childbed fever")?

12. What would exceed federal food-safety levels for DDT and PCBs at the grocery store, if sold there?

March 23, OI 77-109

1. What was ambiguous about the vampire metaphor, for Biss?

2. What struck Biss as both magical and mundane?

3. Smallpox is now no longer a disease, but a what?

4. Who were the Polio Pioneers? Where is polio still endemic, and why?

5. What are the profound differences between ethyl and methyl mercury?

6. How did Andrew Wakefield cause a "cascade of panic"?

7. Who accused WHO of collusion in 2009?

8. Why does Susan Sontag say public health is difficult to promote in our society?

9. Why does Arthur Caplan say the marketplace model of healthcare is dangerous?

10. When would Biss consider surgery a conservative option?

11. For what is there no credible evidence, "Dr. Bob" notwithstanding?

12. What's Biss's Dad's argument for preventive medicine?

March 14:

1. The stories of Achilles and the dragon imply what about immunity?

2. "A valuable asset placed in the care of someone to whom it does not ultimately belong" is Biss's definition of what? OR, it captures her understanding of what?

3. Our vaccines are now sterile, so anti-vaccine activists' greatest fear is not of bacterial but ____ contamination.

4. What is Dracula about, besides vampires?

5. Who said love is known "by its fruits"?

6. Contributions to the "banking of immunity" give rise to the principle of ____ immunity.

7. What's the most common way that infants contract hep B?

8. What raises the probability that undervaccinated children will contract a disease?

9. Who or what were microbiologist Graham Rook's "old friends"?

10. "There is never enough evidence to prove that an event _____ happen? (can/can't)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Michael. We still need someone to post the report quizzes, please.
