
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Quiz Questions from January 23rd through February 19th

Quiz- Jan 23
1. Name two of the ways you can earn a base in our class. (See "course requirements" & other info in the sidebar & on the syllabus)
2. How many bases must you earn, for each run you claim on the daily scorecard?
3. How do you earn your first base in each class?
4. Can you earn bases from the daily quiz if you're not present?
5. How can you earn bases on days when you're not present?
6. What should you write in your daily personal log?
7. Suppose you came to class one day, turned on the computer/projector and opened the CoPhi site, had 3 correct answers on the daily quiz, and had posted a comment, a discussion question,  and an alternate quiz question before class. How many runs would you claim in your personal log and on the scorecard that day?
8. How many bases do you get for posting a short, relevant weekly essay of at least 250 words?
9. What are Dr. Oliver's office hours? Where is his office? What is his email address?
1.(T/F) Campbell's examples of bioethical questions include whether health care professionals must meet higher standards than businesspeople, the ethics of longevity via pharmacology, designer babies, human/animal hybrids, state paternalism, euthanasia, and environmental ethics.
2. Bioethics just means _______.
3. The _________ required that 'The health of my patient must be my first consideration.' (Hippocratic Oath, Geneva Code, British Medical Association, International Association of Bioethics)
4. What 40-year U.S. study denied information and treatment to its subjects?
5. What did Ivan Ilich warn about in Medical Nemesis?
6. Bioethics has expanded its focus from an originally narrower interest in what relationship?
7. Bioethics has broken free of what mentality?
8. (T/F) Campbell thinks caveat emptor is a good principle for governing the contractual clinical encounter between doctor and patient.
9. Do descriptive claims settle evaluative issues?
10. Name a bioethical website Campbell recommends.

Quiz- Jan 25
BB2 - Moral Theories
1. (T/F) In Anna's story, why did she wish not to be resuscitated?
2. Which theory has been dominant in bioethics and often used by many health professionals?
3. In deontological theory, what is the difference between hypothetical and categorical imperatives?
4. What ethical principle (and whose), in the name of rational consistency, absolute dutifulness, and mutual respect, "requires unconditional obedience and overrides our preferences and desires" with respect to things like lying, for example?
5. What would Kant say about Tuskegee, or about the murderer "at our door"?
6. What more do we want from a moral theory than Kant gives us?
7. What is the distinctive question in virtue ethics?
8. What Greek philosopher was one of the earliest exponents of virtue ethics?
9. What is the Harm Principle, and who was its author?
10. Name one of the Four Principles in Beauchamp and Childress's theories on biomedical ethics?

Quiz- Jan 30
1. Chapter 3 begins by asking if our bioethical perspective ("vision") is skewed by _____... (a) cultural assumptions, (b) gender bias, (c) religious faith, (d) all of the above
2. What's the leading global cause of death among women of reproductive age?
3. (T/F) The "feminist critique" says bioethics has been dominated by culturally masculine thinking.
4. What ethical perspective did Nel Noddings (supported by Carol Gilligan's research) describe as the "feminine approach"?
5. What's a furor therapeuticus?
6. Does Campbell consider the outlawing of female genital mutilation culturally insensitive?
7. What's allegedly distinctive about "Asian bioethics"?
8. What western ethical preconception is "somewhat alien" in the eastern dharmic traditions?
9. What gives Buddhists and Hindus a "whole new perspective" on bioethical issues?
10. What does Campbell identify as a "tension in the Christian perspectives" on bioethics?

Quiz- Feb 1
1. (T/F) Dignity, respect, and confidentiality are among the aspects of the clinical relationship which emphasize the importance of trust.
2. What (according to most recognized oaths and conventions) must always be the deciding factor guiding professional decisions?
3. The idea that the doctor always knows best is called what?
4. Is a diagnosis of mental illness grounds for establishing a patient's lack of capacity to render competent consent to treatment?
5. What general principle allows breach of confidentiality?
6. What term expresses the central ethical concern about "designer babies"? What poet implicitly expressed it?
7. Why have organizations like the WHO opposed any form of organ trading?
8. Besides the Kantian objection, what other major ethical issue currently affects regenerative medicine?
9. What does palliative medicine help recover?
10. What would most of us consider an unwelcome consequence of not retaining the acts/omissions distinction with respect to our response to famine (for example)?

Quiz- Feb 6
1. Name one of the basic requirements agreed upon by all codes devised to protect individuals from malicious research.
2. What decree states that consent must be gained in all experimentation with human beings?
3. Name one of four areas of research discussed in the book.
4. Which famous contemporary ethicist is a sharp critic of speciesism?
5. Name one of four R's used in international legislation pertaining to animal rights in research?
6. Dilemmas in epidemiological research illustrate what general point?
7. What did Hwang Woo-suk do?
8. What is the term for altering the numbers in a calculation to make the hypothesis more convincing, with no justification form the research findings for such members?
9. What categories of human enhancement does Campbell enumerate, and what does he identify as its "extreme end"?
10. What is the "10/90 Gap"?

Quiz- Feb 8
1. What are the two major spheres of justice discussed by Campbell?
2. (T/F) Vaccination/immunization and restricted mobility are two of the measures used by preventive medicine to counter the spread of disease.
3. Another name for the micro-allocation of health care, concerned with prioritizing access to given treatments, is what? (HINT: This was hotly debated and widely misrepresented ("death panels" etc.) in the early months of the Obama administration.)  
4. What "perverse incentive" to health care practitioners and institutions do reimbursement systems foster, as illustrated by excessive use of MRIs?
5. What is the inverse care law?  
6. What is meant by the term "heartsink patients"?
7. How are Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) supposed to address and solve the problem of who should receive (for instance) a transplant?  
8. Who propounded a theory of justice that invokes a "veil of ignorance," and what are its two fundamental principles?  
9. Under what accounts of health might we describe a sick or dying person as healthy?
10. Name two of the "capabilities" Martha Nussbaum proposes as necessary to ensure respect for human dignity?

Quiz- Feb 8: Report over Dr. Aubrey de Grey
1. What tiny organism allows for genes to be placed (or reverse transcribed rather) into the human genome: bacteria, viruses, archea, or "my friend bob?"
2. T/F- Metabolic byproducts accumulate over time, eventually causing pathology.
3. What is the study of Gerontology?
4. T/F- The "robust mouse rejuvenation procedure" allows for mice typically living an average of 3 years to their 5th birthday. This therapy is administered at year two of the mice's life span (tripling their remaining life).
5. What does "LEV" stand for?
6. List one ethical concern that comes to your mind personally with regards to the extension of human life.

Quiz- Feb 15: Report over Conor Friedersdorf’s article
1. Rather than antibiotics, what did 4-year-old Natalie's parents choose to use to treat her infection?
2. What was the outcome for Natalie and for her parents?
3. T/F: Legislative majorities believe that parents should be put on trial for withholding mainstream medical treatment when a child suffers greatly or dies as a result.
4. What was the name of the 2-year-old boy that did of bowel obstruction?
5. T/F: Can scientists use natural enzymes to target and snip genes with unprecedented accuracy?
6. T/F: In future debates regarding "designer babies" gene editing is likely to be the least controversial use.

Quiz- Feb 19: Report over Cryonics
1. What is the difference between cryonics and cryogenics?
2. Who is the father of cryogenics?
3. What is the book called that the father of cryogenics authored?
4. How does Dr. A Parkes define "biological death"?
5. What is vitrification?
6.  List one possible usage of cryonics.

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