
Monday, February 25, 2019

Partial Study Guide

Here are the quiz questions from Beyond Bioethics. We still need to add questions from report presentations and Bioethics: The Basics. Exam questions will be drawn from the odd-numbered quiz questions.

1. Concern for individual autonomy and personal sovereignty can obscure what other issue?

2. Why should we expand our notion of bioethics to biopolitics?

3. What popular sentiment on human reproductive cloning did Planned Parenthood not adopt, "fortunately"?

4. As the field of Bioethics evolved, to what approach did it stake a claim?

5. Name two of the distinctive concerns of the "new biopolitics" marking its difference from mainstream bioethics.

6. What "strand in the identification of the undeserving poor" is enjoying a revival?

7. Who was the Social Darwinists' leading spokesperson, and what did conservatives oppose in his name?

8. To whom did German eugenicists say they owed a debt?

9. Who said "low intelligence is a stronger precursor of poverty than low socioeconomic background"?

10. What assumption, according to a cited philosopher, encourages people to treat differences as pathologies?
1. What kind of "motherhood" did Indiana officially promote in the '20s and '30s?

2. What was every child's right, in Indiana?

3. What dismaying transfer of power did Ada Schweitzer inadvertently facilitate?

4. What led to the "exponential" expansion of the Infant and Child Hygiene division?

5. What did Schweitzer call the Better Baby Contest at the fair?

6. Half of what occurred in California before WWII?

7. What role was played by corporate philanthropies and academics in the promotion of eugenics?

8. What happened in Lincoln, IL?

9. What was Hitler's "bible"?

10. How did California eugenicists re-brand themselves after the war?
1. German lawyers meeting in Berlin in 1934 debated bringing what from the statutes of thirty U.S. states to the Third Reich?

2. Hitler thought the U.S. had made progress toward the creation of what kind of society?

3. What is the real problem of disability?

4. What concept did Quetelet derive from the astronomical "law of error"?

5. Galton's work led directly to what?

6. What state's "fitter families" contest declared that "a sound mind in a sound body is the most priceless of human possessions"?

7. "The Galton Institute" was originally called what?

8. Many scientists continued to believe in what core tenet of eugenics even after the atrocities of WWII?

9. What did Robert Edwards say he learned from the development of IVF?

10. What connects old-school eugenics with more recent "market" versions?
1. The advent of what common metric made it possible to calculate the efficacy of selling?
2. What was lacking in the '60s that Principlism offers to provide?

3. What was the final impetus for government intervention in research ethics?

4. What would be the key problem of letting each Institutional Review Board determine its own principles?

5. Feminist theory is an attempt to do what?

6. Who wrote in 1952 that woman is the "second sex"?

7. When is society more willing to intrude on human autonomy?

8. What accounts for the special feeling of abandonment some patients get from their seemingly uncaring surgeons?

9. What expectation for disability rights debates is "sadly" unmet?

10. What is "animal farm bioethics," and what are some issues and debates in which it is evident?
1. What does Catherine Myser mean by "whiteness"?

2. What did James Baldwin say about immigration and identity?

3. Decentering whiteness would enable bioethics to do what?

4. What obvious bioethical significance in Freddie Gray's death was generally ignored by the bioethical community?

5. Bioethicists are fixated on what, with what implication for the demogaphics of the field's concerns and utility?

6. Who is Glenn McGee?

7. Why did the Nashvillian participate in Eli Lilly's drug tests?

8. What was the "God Committee"?

9. What did Glenn McGee predict in 2003?

10. Bioethicists can claim credit for what regulatory innovation?

11. Who "invented" Bob Dole?
1. What do Athanasiou and Darnovsky fear we're at risk of losing, if the human genome is privatized?
2. What future social classes does Lee Silver predict will effectively become separate species? Who are some prominent figures who endorse his views?

3. What published opinion do our authors cite as committing a "naturalistic fallacy"?

4. Brave New World was what, "first of all"?

5. What practice continued into the 70s in "that liberal paragon Sweden"?

6. People with congenital disabilities typically feel ____.

7. What's the logical conclusion of the "Kinsley-Sullivan thesis" and what does it conflate?

8. CRISPR is an acronym for what?

9. What's needed most, to reduce the incidence of monogenic disease?

10. Scientists have a responsibility to debate _____.
[Bioethics: The Basics]

[report quizzes]

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