
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Exam 2 (Apr 26) Review

Exam 2 Review video RECORDING: Access PASSCODE: w%4u!^9p

The exam will cover single-digit, odd-numbered questions (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) in March-April… plus bonus questions about presentations. UPDATE, 4.23: no questions from Beyond Bioethics after ch.40.

Remember William James’s advice on how to prepare for an exam (but this only works if you get started studying well in advance):

If you want really to do your best in an examination, fling away the book the day before, say to yourself, "I won't waste another minute on this miserable thing, and I don't care an iota whether I succeed or not." Say this sincerely, and feel it; and go out and play, or go to bed and sleep, and I am sure the results next day will encourage you to use the method permanently.

Beyond 13-15; Lifelines Prolog-1

1. What do Athanasiou and Darnovsky fear we're at risk of losing, if the human genome is privatized?

2. What future social classes does Lee Silver predict will effectively become separate species? Who are some prominent figures who endorse his views?

3. What published opinion do our authors cite as committing a "naturalistic fallacy"?

4. Brave New World was what, "first of all"?

5. What practice continued into the 70s in "that liberal paragon Sweden"?

6. People with congenital disabilities typically feel ____.

7. What's the logical conclusion of the "Kinsley-Sullivan thesis" and what does it conflate?

8. CRISPR is an acronym for what?

9. What's needed most, to reduce the incidence of monogenic disease?

10. Scientists have a responsibility to debate _____.


1. What could medicine not do for Tony?

2. How is public health a lifeline, and what are some of its tools?

3. What does Duo Duo mean? (And what did it mean for Leana)?

4. What happened to academics during the Cultural Revolution?

5. What led Leana's mother to retrain as a public school teacher?

6. Why did Leana's mother choose to relocate to Canada?

Beyond 16-17; Lifelines 2-3


1. What is CRISPR and what does it often produce?

2. What moral imperative does Julian Savulescu say we have?

3. How have efforts to control evolution changed over the last century and a half?

4. What are eutelegenesis and Bokanovsky's Process?

5. What did Matt Ridley say would save us?

6. Who is Ray Kurzweil and what is SU?

7. Who is Raymond McCauley and what did he predict?

8. What is Peter Diamandis's Orwellian vision?


1. Leana started college and med school at what ages?

2. What is xiao xun?

3. What drove Leana's decision to enter the PhD program?

4. Leana suffered from what syndrome?

Beyond 18-20, Lifelines 4-5

1. Why does every doctor boast of being guided by the New England Journal of Medicine?

2. What happened when Dennis Cotter submitted an editorial on the drug epoetin?

3. Who are "the best drug reps of all"?

4. Give an example of how bad drugs can be made to look good.

5. What's the paradoxical result of being published in a medical journal?

6. How did the publisher Elsevier damage its own reputation?

7. What was Jonas Salk's view of "entities beneficial to all humankind"?

8. What would likely happen if the baby trade moved to a donor model?

9. What preferences account for warning labels and dosage information on drugs?

10. What's a "mundane" example of appropriate parental control over the fate of their offspring?


1. What did Leana love about the ER?

2. How does Eileen's story illustrate a perversity in our health-care system?

3. 90% of a person's life expectancy depends on what?

4. Why did Leana seek an internship at Lehman Brothers?

5. Why didn't Leana's mother want her to be quiet and not ask questions during her medical appointment?

6. What happened on April 15, 2013?

Beyond 21-22, Lifelines 6-7

1. What is the American Society for Reproductive Medicine's position on elective non-medical egg freezing?

2. The U.S. is the only developed country in the world without what?

3. Henrietta  Lacks's cells became the first what?

4. Henrietta's chart described her "household" as what?

5. Elsie Lacks was described as "touched," meaning what?

6. Why wasn't carcinoma in situ treated by most doctors in 1951?

7. Who was George Gey?

8. Why wasn't Gey's assistant excited about the new cell sample?

9. The HeLa cells weren't merely surviving, they were _____.

10. What were Henrietta's children's consuming questions?


1. How was Leana's job as health commissioner unlike her ER work?

2. What huge discrepancy can you find just a few miles apart in cities like Baltimore and St. Louis?

3. Leana met community organizers from Baltimore working to right whose legacy? What mantra did they echo?

4. What successful program was Baltimore among the first to begin in the early '90s?

5. What was the biggest problem young people wanted to talk about?

6. What's a "frequent flier"?

7. What's BANANA?

1. In this touted Age of Genomics, what frequently follows the hopeful hype about gene therapy?

2. Steve Jones says we know what of genetics?

3. What was Francis Collins' prediction in 2000? In 2014?

4. What's the best way to engineer a tall person, and what does that tell us about the effects of "Many Assorted Genes..."?

5. "Anonymous" tissue samples can be what?

6. What is Jessica Cussins' practical objection to the results of DTC genetic tests?

7. What more than doubled in illustration of the "Angelina Jolie effect"?

8. There aren't enough what to support population-wide screening for the BRCA genes?

9. The UC-Berkeley DNA project was intended to introduce students to what?

10. How should leading geneticists have responded to loose talk in the early '90s (and still) about "the gay gene," "the violence gene," etc.?


1. What was Leana's simple question? How did nurses and social workers respond?

2. What's Leana's motto? What was an example (besides waiting for the "high-tech dashboard") of its violation?

3. What was Leana's "singular dream"?

4. Which hospitals make the most progress?

5. What did the new mayor say about patients seeking treatment for addiction?

6. What luxury can those of the front lines of public health not afford?

7. What three things was Leana unwilling to do?

8. What does Leana see as the cause(s) of drug addiction?

9. What did health clinics (like libraries, schools, and senior centers) represent to a community under siege?

10. What's a PIO?

11. What is public health's moral imperative?

12. Leana's philosophy is what?

Beyond 28-31; Lifelines 10-11

1. The greatest advances in health and longevity should go to what?

2. Why was BiDil removed from the market?

3. What broad consensus now obtains regarding health differences between and within groups?

4. Funding in 2014 was 50% greater for research areas including the word gene (etc.) than for those including the word _____.

5. Name an "unthinkable" medical experiment to which incarcerated individuals have been subjected.

6. Creating ethical standards for medical research is the flip-side of what "coin"?

7. Most viewers of The Constant Gardener would probably conclude what, mistakenly, about its fictional drug company?

8. Apart from being extraordinarily lucrative for the local doctors who procure test subjects in developing countries, what's another important reason why so much human research is conducted in Africa and other poor regions outside the U.S.?

9. Research in Nigeria for Pfizer was compromised by an apparently fraudulent claim involving a nonexistent what?

10. What two questions should be prerequisite to conducting research in the third world? What should precede human research anywhere in the world?


1. What were some of Senator Mikulski's memorable sayings?

2. What did Dr. Wen know she needed, but didn't think she had time for?

3. 3,500 babies with severe birth defects would cost the U.S. how much?

4. What are the typical metrics of public health, and what's problematic about them?

5. How many people suffer serious falls in the U.S. every year, with what consequences beyond serious physical injury?

6. What did Dr. Wen and her associates know about incremental progress?

1. How did James Rockwell and his subject cohorts sabotage their drug study?

2. Why is speed critical in getting drugs approved and on the shelves as early as possible?

3. What motivated homeless alcoholics to participate in trials for Eli Lilly, according to its director of clinical pharmacology?

4. Guinea pigs rely mainly on what to insure their safety?

5. The target audience for the jobzine Guinea Pig Zero was who?

6. DARPA projects include research on drugsto keep soldiers awake and fed for how long?

7. Radiation exposure from nuclear testing on American soil in the '50s was comparable to what?

8. Fear of chemical weapons during the Gulf War led to the administration of what vaccine prior to FDA approval?

9. Gulf War vets and their children have been diagnosed with what?

10. What percentage of DARPA projects fail?

11. How did New York city law enforcement officials help researchers in the mid '90s?


1. What is CFR and what does it remind Dr. W of?

2. What are ACEs and what have studies shown about them?

3. What is the concept of "going upstream"?

4. What are the ABCs of Safe Sleep?

5. What's one unintended consequence of school closures in places like Baltimore? 203

6. What taught Dr. W the lobbying power of big moneyed interests?

7. What letter did health commissioners around the country write to te Trump transition committee, and what was the response?

8. What's personal about the Trump administration's immigration policies for Dr. W?

9. What lawsuit did Baltimore win against Trump?

10. Women without prenatal care are seven times more likely to what?

11. From whom did Dr. W learn more about babies than in med school?

Beyond 37-39; Lifelines 16-17; Presentations Claire, Kirolos, Pierce...

1. How do global and local inequalities relate to reproductive tourism?

2. What intentional act contributes to making surrogacy especially controversial?

3. Name an equality concern arising from reproductive tourism.

4. What's problematic about the goal of racial family matching "in a commercial context"?

5. Oprah portrayed surrogacy as what?

6. What was PlanetHospital's rationale for only accepting surrogates who already have children of their own?

7. An Indian makes how many multiples of her annual salary by being a surrogate?

8. Why does PH say all surrogate births must be by cesarean delivery?

9. Why didn't most donor-conceived children ever ask questions?

10. Parents who disclosed their children's donor status regarded what as essential to the child-parent relationship?


1. Dr. Wen, no longer constrained by the need to mollify Planned Parenthood stakeholders, was to do what with her "true voice"?

2. A Tennessee hospital administrator was filmed saying what about masks?

3. What was the hypocrisy of lawmakers advocating a quick reopening?

4. What Trumpian misinformation led to the death of a man in Phoenix?

5. Erosion of confidence in what institution could Dr. Wen never have imagined?

6. The site of what gave Dr. Wen a knot in her stomach?

7. How did Dr. Wen's message change in response to “quarantine fatigue"?

Beyond 40-42; Lifelines 18-epilog;

1. Prenatal testing and embryo selection, as currently practiced, cannot coexist with what?

2. What are the two new alternatives to the "medical model" of disability?

3. What kinds of opportunities do most Americans say are indispensable to a good life?

4. Brief acquaintance with disabled people should demonstrate what?

5. Adrienne Asch cannot ___.

6. The ADA of 1990 has not markedly altered what?

7. Many genetic counselors do not practice in a way that what?

8. What analogy does Asch see between flying the Confederate flag and enumerating testable genetic diseases?

9. How do we become a welcoming society for all, including the disabled?


1. What percentage of Americans experienced mental health or substance use issues during the pandemic?

2. What was the cost of prioritzing speed of vaccine distribution?

3. The harshest historical judgment of our pandemic response, Dr. Wen thinks, should be reserved for what?

4. What was Dr. Wen's recurring nightmare?

5. What "real world" risk of infection were people everywhere choosing? 

6. How was masking differently framed elsewhere than by the U.S. administration?

7. What should be required training for everyone?

8. What does our society need, in our march toward progress?

Beyond 43-46

1. The American obsession with abortion distracts US policy from what?

2. Why does assisted reproduction in America get less oversight than many other areas?

3. What ingredients have made the US a destination for hypercontrolling parents?

4. Preselecting _____ traits is no longer the stuff of sci-fi.

5. What's an example of "negative enhancement"?

6. What did Richard Lewontin say about race and genetics?

7. What is the "appeal" of linking race to medical and scientific progress?

8. Racial narratives are always about what?

9. What's the most obvious potential problem raised by the Genographic Project?

10. Docs who use race as a diagnostic "shortcut" are blind to what, and have their attention diverted from what?

Beyond 47-50

1. Is BiDil a pharmacogenomic drug?

2. What trendy unfounded argument may segregate medicine, fatten drugmakers' profits, and fail to address the underlying causes of premature African-American mortality?

3. Why did BiDil's developers test it in only one ethnic group?

4. Under what conditions should the FDA grant race-specific approvals?

5. Why should we approach genetic ancestry testing with caution?

6. What do many consumers not realize about DNA tests? Why?

7. Why should doctors be cautious when considering the results of ancestry tests?

8. What makes it difficult for two analysts to come to the same conclusion about fingerprints?

9. Blacks make up what percentage of federal DNA database profiles?

10. How did Lukis Anderson's DNA end up on Raveesh Kumra's body?

Beyond 51-52 

1. Why are we distinctively human rather than largely bovine, given the fact that we share 80% of our DNA with cows?

2. Critics of the standard Mendelian gene-centric view want to depose genes as what?

3. Who "gathered all the threads of the modern synthesis... into a single shimmering magic carpet"?

4. What's P.Z. Myers's apt analogy for epistasis?

5.  What's the neat 3-step of the selfish gene model that makes it so appealing?

6. What's the mainstream scientific perspective on race?

7. Why do genetic ancestry tests fall outside the FDA's regulatory authority?

8. Why does Obasogie think government has a moral and ethical responsibility to support race impact assessments of new biotechnologies?

Beyond 53-54

1. Advocates for a moratorium on germline engineering advocate what actions?

2. "Our universities need to devote more resources" to what?

3. Name a current practice applying emergent biotechnologies that challenges core progressive and liberal values.

4. Why did some progressives who support stem cell research oppose the 2004 California stem cell initiative?

5. Paul Wolpe says presidential bioethics commissions should stay away from what?

6. What do "some feminists and social liberals and progressives... [and] free market liberals and economic conservatives" say about commercial reproductive surrogacy?

7. What did Gregory Stock say was the goal of the 1998 UCLA conference where James Watson said we should maximize the common good?

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