
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Questions Apr 14

Beyond 40-42; Lifelines 18-epilog; Presentations Mea, Gary, Julianna

1. Prenatal testing and embryo selection, as currently practiced, cannot coexist with what?

2. What are the two new alternatives to the "medical model" of disability?

3. What kinds of opportunities do most Americans say are indispensable to a good life?

4. Brief acquaintance with disabled people should demonstrate what?

5. Adrienne Asch cannot ___.

6. The ADA of 1990 has not markedly altered what?

7. Many genetic counselors do not practice in a way that what?

8. What analogy does Asch see between flying the Confederate flag and enumerating testable genetic diseases?

9. How do we become a welcoming society for all, including the disabled?

1. What percentage of Americans experienced mental health or substance use issues during the pandemic?

2. What was the cost of prioritzing speed of vaccine distribution?

3. The harshest historical judgment of our pandemic response, Dr. Wen thinks, should be reserved for what?

4. What was Dr. Wen's recurring nightmare?

5. What "real world" risk of infection were people everywhere choosing? 

6. How was masking differently framed elsewhere than by the U.S. administration?

7. What should be required training for everyone?

8. What does our society need, in our march toward progress?


  • Should "the parental experience" be parents' guiding concern, when contemplating and planning a family?
  • In general: is it better not to have a disability?
  • How much of the difficulty posed by disability is socially constructed? 
  • Does the status of social construction undermine itself? Can social constructions be defended as an improvement on "nature"?
  • Do you agree that an absence of capacity is not necessarily a negative or a "dis-value"? 368
  • "Should society make a list of 'serious' and 'trivial' characteristics" for prenatal assessment?


  1. What was Dr. Wen's recurring nightmare?
    She was in labor, sick with COVID, with a high fever and straining to breathe through contractions while wearing a mask.

  2. What "real world" risk of infection were people everywhere choosing?
    Putting their families first.

  3. What should be required training for everyone?
    Public health.
