
Monday, January 27, 2025

Agnes Callard

The U of Chicago prof and author of Open Socrates: The Case for a Philosophical Life, and our upcoming Lyceum speaker, interviewed by Zena Hitz, author of Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life. She defends arguing Socratically, not to be confused with arguing Monty Python-ishly...


And, another interview: 

Argue Your Way to a Fuller Life
Refute your friends and family, never be satisfied. Philosopher Agnes Callard on life lessons from Socrates...

Callard discovered Socrates in high school, and by the time she was a senior in college, she was obsessed. “I didn’t just want to interpret Socrates,” she writes. “I wanted to be Socrates.” She started hanging out on the front steps of the Art Institute of Chicago and would walk up to strangers and ask if they wanted to have a philosophical discussion. At first, they were intrigued, but then they just wanted to get away from her. “I’ve kind of spent my whole life since then trying to figure out how to do that but not make people run away from me,” she said with a laugh... (continues)

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