
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Information blockade

"…Trump's team has told the staff at Department of Health and Human Services—including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—to stop issuing health advisories, scientific reports, and updates to their websites and social media posts. Lena H. Sun, Dan Diamond, and Rachel Roubein of the Washington Post report that the CDC was expected this week to publish reports on the avian influenza virus, which has shut down Georgia's poultry industry..."

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💭Sapere aude


  1. Forrest Devin BarnettJanuary 27, 2025 at 2:18 PM

    Every time a president transitions into power a blockade is put into outgoing information and occasionally funding. This blockade usual lasts about half as long as the current one because RFK nomination is taking longer than normal due to political infighting. The timing is a little unfortunate due to the avian flu outbreak, but its hardly abnormal.

    1. There's nothing "normal," by the previous standards of our politics, about how the Trump administration has handled the transition. It's unprecedented. They've taken pride in this, as a bold move towards dismantling what they call the Deep State. They're not just like their predecessors. They've said they don't want to be.
