Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Daily Quiz

April 10/15

1. What's Annas's objection to parental enhancement? OR, What's Habermas's "twist" objection?

2. What's Glover's "priority," when we respect others' autonomy? OR, Name one of Glover's respect-for-autonomy conditions. OR, Can an embryo's autonomy be violated (on Glover's view)?

3. What's Strawson's "illusion"? OR, What are some of the standard philosophical positions on free will? OR, Does RB think genetically engineered people would be less free?

4. Does Glover think there are circumstances in which we might accept some loss of independence, even if that made us feel like puppets of our parents? OR, How must we be able to think of our origins if we consider ourselves free, according to Sandel? OR, Does RB consider genetics more fundamental than our environments?

5. To what did Feinberg say children have a right? OR, What are Bostrom's "blessings"? OR, Why does RB consider the open-future argument misguided?

6. What's "one good reason" for parents to consider refraining from using reproductive cloning or genetic engineering? Is it also (on RB's view) a good reason for state regulation?

7. Name one of Loftis' classes of arguments that are commonly deployed against genetic manipulation. OR, What were Hume's or Mill's positions on "natural" acts? OR, What does Peter Singer say is "natural" but not  advisable?

8. What's Bill McKibben's greatest concern about genetic engineering (i.e.., what does he think it would most threaten)? OR, What's RB's problem with "we"? OR, Does RB think future societies may differ dramatically from ours, and why is that relevant?

9. What's McKibben's point about runners and rock climbers? Does RB agree? OR, What's RB's view of McKibben's concerns about immortality?

1.50   2.52-3   3.54-6   4.60-1   5.63, 65   6.76   7.79-82   8.86, 89, 90, 93   9.97-8

DQ: What's your reaction to the Enough passages I am about to read in class?

(FQ) The views of this philosopher are recognized as best known and most elaborate in regards to the concept of autonomy.
Answer: Habermas (pg. 51)

(FQ) Name 2 of J. Robert Loftis' classes of arguments that are commonly deployed against genetic manipulation.
Answer: Safety, Justice, Trust, and Naturalness (pg. 79)

(FQ) T/F: McKibben is optimistic of genetic engineering, believing it will enable us to modify and improve the quality of humans' lives.
Answer: False (pg. 98)

(DQ) I'd like to see what about genetic manipulation is "against the natural order" to the class if anyone considers it that.

Link: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/embryo-screening-and-the-ethics-of-human-60561

FQ: We are shaped by an interaction between our _____ and _____ around us.
(genes, environment)

DQ: To what degree are we autonomous? I agree with C.A. Coady statement, which states that ''there is too much contingency and inevitable dependence on others'' for us to regard ourselves as sole authors of our own life.

pros and cons of genetic engineering 

  1. FQ)- Who wrote the book Causing Death and Saving Lives in which he suggests that respect for autonomy can ground an objection to killing other persons, over and above any utilitarian, or similar, consequences?
    Answer: Glover pg. 52

    (DQ)- I would like to hear if those in the class think that genetic engineering is a threat to liberal society.

    Link- This link discusses the value of autonomy in medical ethicshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2780686/
  2. HQ- What are some of the main arguments against genetic engineering?
    DQ- Should society force people to become genetically modified and why? and if it is enforced how should it be enforced?


NYTimes: Providing the Balm of Truth

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NYTimes: A ‘Code Death’ for Dying Patients

In this new age of technological wizardry, doctors have been taught that they can, indeed must, do everything possible to stave off death, but few learn how to help their patients die.


NYTimes: Idea of New Attention Disorder Spurs Research, and Debate

Powerful figures in mental health are claiming to have identified a new disorder, sluggish cognitive tempo, that could widely expand the ranks of young people treated for attention problems.

Bioethics Centre (@BioethicsCentre)
Veridical Engagement and Radical Enhancement, by @JohnDanaher [Philosophical Disquisitions] j.mp/1eB5UNc

Patricia Churchland (@patchurchland)
Geneographic costs a mere $200 and you can find out how much Neanderhal and Denisovan DNA you have. I was thrilledgenographic.nationalgeographic.com/?source=email_…

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