Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Questions for an ER social worker?

I've invited a visitor to speak to our class on April 5, my sister Kim Oliver. She practices social work in an Emergency Room in Missouri. She'd welcome any advance questions/comments you might provide regarding her work there. Please post them in the replies section below.

Kim Oliver, Boone  Hospital   Center,  Columbia   MO                                 
            Emergency Department Social Worker
·         Provide social work services to patients in crisis within a multidisciplinary medical team.
·         Create individualized evaluations that address psychiatric, geriatric, protective services, hospice, home-health, mental health counseling and support. Offer appropriate community referrals and follow up care as needed.
·         Attend and participate in multiple community organizations on behalf of ED.

Scope of Practice: 
EDSW practice is guided by patient need and in collaboration with the medical team. a timely social work assessment, intervention and practice encompasses but is not limited to:
Access to Health Care
Alcohol & Drug Related
Geriatric Issues
Home Health/Hospice/DME
Information & Resources
Maternal/Child Issues
Mental Health
Protective/Legal Issues
Support & Counseling

Welcome to Lawrence, Oliver & Associates, LLC
Our goal at Lawrence, Oliver & Associates is to provide high-quality counseling, coaching and consulting services to each client.
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  1. What are the most difficult and easiest cases to work? Which do you enjoy more?

  2. I look forward to her talk! I will be posting questions as they come to mind!

    (I understand if she does not feel comfortable answering some of my questions):

    What are your thoughts on Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) and do you foresee this practice becoming available in Tennessee?

  3. Are there any issues that you often see occur with doctors and the patients that you become involved with? If so, what is the most common problem you face when these issues arise?

  4. In your personal experience, have you ever witnessed or heard of a situation where political allegiance or race affected the treatment of a patient?

  5. What advice do you wish someone would have given you as an undergraduate student?

  6. Has the Affordable Care Act improved or sustained the number of people who cannot pay for their huge emergency room bills?

  7. How do you assess the mental health of patients, as there are some who try to fake psychological disorders in order to obtain benefits?

  8. Have you ever run across a case where parents have refused to take their child to the hospital (for a number of reasons) until the situation is deadly?

    How do you deal with parents who refuse medical care for their children due to ignorant or religious reasons?

  9. What is your opinion on the stereotype "Doctors treat diseases not patients?" Would you say you often see that in your cases?

  10. How do you combat what you see as your personal ethics versus the ethics of social work and helping a client with different ethics? Do they differ or do your ethics fall in line with what you have been taught? I ask because my roommate is a social work major and will be interning with DCS. I know she struggles with opposing views of her personal morals and ethics versus those of which are taught and favored by her professors. It is difficult to deal with that in a professional setting?

  11. What made you decide to be an ER Social Worker?

  12. How do you prevent yourself from bringing your toughest cases home? How do you separate yourself from work?

  13. What mistakes have you learned from as an ER Social Worker?

  14. 1. How and when did you become interested in ER social work, and what about the career appeals most to you?

    2. What advice do you have for individuals who are interested in becoming an ER social work?

    3. Although you have a strong passion for helping individuals and couples through trial periods, are there times when you feel tired of doing so on a consistent basis?

    4. Have you ever faced discrimination as a female social worker? If so, how did you overcome it?

    5. On average, how many clients do you see on any given day?
