Many parents look at vaccines and have misconceptions that it
hurts their child more than it helps. Some common misconceptions that parents
have are the following:
directly cause the disease they are trying to prevent.
Getting the disease you are trying to prevent by vaccination is very low.
Only 1-5% of children that are actually vaccinated fail to develop immunity for
the specific disease. This is why there are multiple doses of various vaccines,
because each one continues to build more immunity until it reaches or nears
100%. This allows immune memory to kick in when exposed to the diseased
contain toxic ingredients.
Parents claim that vaccines contain harmful ingredients such as: mercury,
formaldehyde, and aluminum. The “toxic” ingredients contained in the vaccines
are in very small doses and have not been proven to have detrimental effects.
These toxins are ingested or inhaled on a daily basis. Mercury is apparent in
both milk and seafood. Formaldehyde is evident in vehicle exhaust fumes and
every day products such as: carpets, cosmetics, paint, felt-tip markers, cough
drops, antihistamines, and mouthwash. Aluminum is in different foods, drinking
water, and many medicines. The average intake of aluminum is 30-50 mg per day,
so an incomparably small amount in vaccines has little to no effect on the child.
that come in multiple doses will overwhelm a child’s immune system.
Children are exposed to thousands of antigens in their daily routine,
which is considerably more than what they would get from a vaccine.
are expensive.
Vaccines can be a little pricey when you go to a private physician for
routine vaccinations. Parents can choose an alternate method, the health department,
which charges little to nothing for vaccinations, except for an administration
fee. Another option for qualified parents is the Vaccines for Children program,
which allows for free vaccinations at participating doctor’s offices.
are unnatural.
Children build up immunity through vaccines the same way they would if
they developed a natural infection with a disease. The perk of immunity through
vaccination is that the child won’t have to get sick first.
are directly related to other diseases.
Many parents associate the MMR vaccine with Autism and the DTP vaccine
with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The main reason why the
Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine is associated with Autism is due to Andrew
Wakefield’s 1998 publication. He “linked” the MMR vaccine to autism after
observing 12 children who developed autism shortly after being vaccinated. His
publication was highly discredited due to having a small sample size, having
information that wasn’t collected systematically, and the speculative nature of
his conclusions. Later research proved no link at all between the two. Many
parents also associate a connection between the Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis
vaccine and SIDS. The reason why parents associate the two is because Suddent
Infant Death Syndrome typically occurs around the same age the 3 doses of the
vaccine are given. In several studies, there was either no association or
decreased risk of SIDS in children who received the DTP vaccine.
vaccine-preventable diseases have been virtually eliminated, so there is no
need to vaccinate my child.
vaccine-preventable diseases have been reduced to a very tiny amount in the
United States, they are still prevalent in other countries. These diseases
could be unknowingly brought into the United States and affect those who choose
not to be vaccinated and those who are unable to vaccinate due to being
allergic to vaccine components. It could cause an epidemic if the herd immunity
threshold isn’t high enough to protect the unvaccinated individuals.
Overall, when parents come to the doctor's office and decide not to vaccinate their children, they need to be well informed of what's actually involved with vaccinations rather than browsing bias websites that don't have a solid, scientifically-proven argument against them.
Reference Links:
People need to be well-informed, but we know - as Biss documents - that even some well-educated parents are conflicted by the glut of conflicting (mis)information. Countering that effectively is a real challenge.