Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tests and the Elderly

So I found a nice, almost sterile source of bioethics articles and this one popped out to my attention. I have two living grandparents and one no longer with us. I have conflicting emotions when it comes to each of them but like anyone else, I would want them to be informed and helped when it comes to mental health. My maternal Grandfather has even mentioned when I explained autism that some of those traits mildly applied to him. So, when I saw an NPR (not sure if I am supposed to capitalize it if they don't in their logo but that is beyond the point) talking about the neglection of doctors to test for Alzheimer's, I was shocked.

According to the definition of wellness checkups on Medicare's website, that service is expected with the benefits. The further surveys of the patients done by researchers discovered no increase in anxiety or depression but that feels like a bias on behalf of the medical professional. Asking someone if they are depressed alone inserts bias that can lead the subject to become defensive, especially those of previous generations with stricter gender roles that can lead them to not be open about feelings. I would prefer to have seen the survey but that isn't always possible in some studies. Additionally, the researchers explained that they would know mental deficiency when they saw it. Confidence can be helpful if you know the person and they are truthful with you. However, some individuals in the military don't reach out because of shame or fear according to the NFV. If people who are supposedly strong and have access to mandatory health care are getting missed, how can we know our professionals are as skilled as they are confident?

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