Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Balancing Efficiency & Quality in Healthcare

With the rise of health care costs continuing to cause issues for people and those in charge of the healthcare industry, we come to the question “How can we fix all of this?” The main source of this issue is a lack of quality and efficiency balance within the United States. We are in a society where profit is more important than people. While I do think the U.S. understands that all patients are to be provided with quality care, they also know that this treat is received with a cost. Those in charge of the health care budget need to recognize that there should be a balance and cost-efficiency. This issue with healthcare is that it has almost gotten too expensive to be acquired by those who need it the most. Currently the country is performing the lowest in regards to healthcare among other countries. Ideally the United States would explore more alternative ways to go about distributing efficient, quality, and affordable healthcare for everyone. There have been many healthcare options made for those with lower income households, an example would be Obamacare. This is an issue that may never get resolved because of how the United States budgeting system works. Unfortunately, if something as important as healthcare for all citizens is granted, it would cost many people (mostly those that work in healthcare) a lot of their earnings. You would think that since many countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Norway, Poland, Greece, Austra, and many others all have working systems that allow their citizens free healthcare, our nation would have that figured out by now. Sadly, that isn’t our country's focus. 

Hey guys! I was supposed to give my presentation on February 17th, but it was storming pretty badly where I was and I haven’t been feeling the best. I’m not sure when I'll be able to present my issue to you guys, but whenever that can happen I am really looking forward to it. This is a topic I love to bring awareness to within my friend group or with my family, so I can't wait to hear you guy’s opinions. See you all in class! 

Here’s the link to my presentation: https://mtmailmtsu-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/mar9d_mtmail_mtsu_edu/EfmvUjQCSP5KjamcOn4gOg4BsfBkBeLVXzQDoGcv39TTWw?e=VQ9qfB


  1. Great post, Mea! This relates to my presentation about the ethical care of underserved patients and how the US should work to make sure all are given equal and efficient care. Excited to hear your presentation!!

  2. I'm really excited for your presentation! I think the comparison between the US and other wealthy countries is staggering, so I can't wait to hear what you have to tell us!
