Tuesday, February 8, 2022

German Researchers to Breed Pigs for Human Heart Transplants This Year

 German scientists plan to clone and then breed this year genetically modified pigs to serve as heart donors for humans, based on a simpler version of a U.S.-engineered animal used last month in the world’s first pig-to-human transplant.Eckhard Wolf, a scientist at Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich, said his team aimed to have the new species, modified from the Auckland Island breed, ready for transplant trials by 2025. 

 This reminded me of a discussion we were having in class the other day about how ethical it would be since pigs are already being bred for food purposes, would it be ethical or unethical for pigs to be bred for the sake of humans' heart transplants. For me, it raises the question of where has humanity reached the point where we think all the other animals exist to serve humans? 

Article continued at https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/german-researchers-breed-pigs-human-heart-transplants-this-year-2022-02-03/

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm. This is a subject that I'm not sure where I stand. I would be very interested in doing some research on how pigs are specifically breads for human organ transplant and how does the pig lifestyle differ from a pig bread only for food?
