Presentation: Michael, Sawyer, Madi, Martha
1. In this touted Age of Genomics, what frequently follows the hopeful hype about gene therapy?
2. Steve Jones says we know what of genetics?
3. What was Francis Collins' prediction in 2000? In 2014?
4. What's the best way to engineer a tall person, and what does that tell us about the effects of "Many Assorted Genes..."?
5. "Anonymous" tissue samples can be what?
6. What is Jessica Cussins' practical objection to the results of DTC genetic tests?
7. What more than doubled in illustration of the "Angelina Jolie effect"?
8. There aren't enough what to support population-wide screening for the BRCA genes?
9. The UC-Berkeley DNA project was intended to introduce students to what?
10. How should leading geneticists have responded to loose talk in the early '90s (and still) about "the gay gene," "the violence gene," etc.?
5. "Anonymous" tissue samples can be what?
6. What is Jessica Cussins' practical objection to the results of DTC genetic tests?
7. What more than doubled in illustration of the "Angelina Jolie effect"?
8. There aren't enough what to support population-wide screening for the BRCA genes?
9. The UC-Berkeley DNA project was intended to introduce students to what?
10. How should leading geneticists have responded to loose talk in the early '90s (and still) about "the gay gene," "the violence gene," etc.?
- Who's responsible for over-hyping the promise of gene therapy?
- Why is the history of genomics so full of unfulfilled promise?
- If short people are discriminated against, is the solution to engineer tall people? Or to oppose discrimination more aggressively?
- Do you agree that we should divert billions from genomic research to behavioral modification? 249
- Why do patients who support genomic research nonetheless "want to be informed..."? 251
- Is there any reason in principle why 23andMe's algorithm could not be corrected to detect and distinguish gene mutations that are and are not life-threatening? 253
- Is there anything ethically wrong with women electing for prophylactic mastectomies?
- Do the risks of universal screening for the BRCA genes outweigh the benefits?
- If there were enough genetic counselors to support population-wide screening, would you support it?
- Should patients be informed of mutations that are not found to correlate with increased cancer risk? 257
- Is it in fact "common knowledge" that there isn't a gene for homosexuality, etc.?
- What categories of genetic modification might we want to add to treatment and enhancement? 339
- What does the complexity of sickle-cell anemia remind us of, when we're contemplating "messing with Mother Nature"? 343
- How is the moral status of deafness different from skin color and sexual orientation? 348
- What DARPA enhancement project is already underway with Doudna's lab? 351
- What does Isaacson say about Nozick's Experience Machine thought experiment? 353=4
- What was John Rawls's position on genetic engineering? What was Nozick's response? 358
- What was Michael Sandel's argument against "playing God"? 365
- Doudna became more sympathetic to what view about gene-editing? 369
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