Thursday, May 7, 2015

Standing by

I don't think Nigel's talking about grading here.

Nigel Warburton (@philosophybites)
If things get bad, I'd like a doctor like Freud's standing by with an overdose of #assisteddying

Also of note: 

Company Creates Bioethics Panel on Trial Drugs (celebrity bioethicist Arthur Caplan in the news)

Johnson & Johnson named the bioethicist Arthur L. Caplan to create a panel to decide on patients’ requests for lifesaving medicines before they are approved.
The New Yorker (@NewYorker)
.@Atul_Gawande examines America's epidemic of unnecessary care:

"The Far Shore of Aging"  w/Jane Gross, founder of nyt "New Old Age" blog - On Being w/Krista Tippett

The Last Day of Her Life When Sandy Bem found out she had Alzheimer’s, she resolved that before the disease stole her mind, she would kill herself. The question was, when?
 30 minutes ago
“I can’t imagine looking back on my life not having given this to her.” Tonight on :

Exclusive: Meet the world’s first baby born with an assist from stem cells

When Doctors Help a Patient Die. The patient was terminally ill. He had decided to end his life under his state’s “death with dignity” law, and his doctor prescribed the medication he would use to do it. But his death was unexpectedly delayed because he drank a large soda before taking the medication — an ordinarily lethal dose — and it apparently interfered with the drug’s absorption. I’ve been told that patients who want to die are now warned not to drink carbonated beverages before or after taking the medication.
In another situation, a physician assisting in a death for the first time prescribed less than the recommended dose of the lethal drug. Although the patient died, it might have been otherwise. And an A.L.S. patient who requested the prescription from his physician met one criterion (having a terminal illness) but not the second (prognosis of six months to live). These are just some of the unexpected wrinkles that have come up in the still-new world of physician-assisted death... (continues)

1 comment:

  1. This is very fascinating. I honestly don't like how some people tell themselves that they aren't worthy to live. Everybody deserves a chance to live life. It's not like we're born with convictions on our shoulders
