Saturday, January 27, 2018

Quizzes Jan 30, Feb 1

BB 3 (but first finish BB 2... and see Radiolab post below)
1. Chapter 3 begins by asking if our bioethical perspective ("vision") is skewed by _____... (a) cultural assumptions, (b) gender bias, (c) religious faith, (d) all of the above

2. What's the leading global cause of death among women of reproductive age?

3. (T/F) The "feminist critique" says bioethics has been dominated by culturally masculine thinking.

4. What ethical perspective did Nel Noddings (supported by Carol Gilligan's research) describe as the "feminine approach"?

5. What's a furor therapeuticus?

6. Does Campbell consider the outlawing of female genital mutilation culturally insensitive?

7. What's allegedly distinctive about "Asian bioethics"?

8. What western ethical preconception is "somewhat alien" in the eastern dharmic traditions?

9. What gives Buddhists and Hindus a "whole new perspective" on bioethical issues?

10. What does Campbell identify as a "tension in the Christian perspectives" on bioethics?


  • How do you think your own attitudes and assumptions about gender, religion, etc. influence your Bioethical perspective?
  • What do Plato's Euthyphro and the Biblical story of Abraham & Isaac suggest to you about the place of religion in addressing biotethical issues? (61-2)
  • What is Buddhism's bioethical relevance? (69)
  • How should medical professionals treat and care for children whose parents object to medical intervention on religious grounds?
  • Is it best for caregivers to try and limit their personal knowledge of patients' particular perspectives, beliefs, identities (religious, political, cultural etc.) so as to avoid conscious or unconscious bias in treatment, or does this unduly sacrifice the humane dimension of medical practice?
  • Post your DQs
Quiz Feb 1 BB 4 - Clinical Ethics

1. (T/F) Dignity, respect, and confidentiality are among the aspects of the clinical relationship which emphasize the importance of trust. 

2. What (according to most recognized oaths and conventions) must always be the deciding factor guiding professional decisions? 

3. The idea that the doctor always knows best is called what? 

4. Is a diagnosis of mental illness grounds for establishing a patient's lack of capacity to render competent consent to treatment? 

5. What general principle allows breach of confidentiality? 

6. What term expresses the central ethical concern about "designer babies"? What poet implicitly expressed it?

7. Why have organizations like the WHO opposed any form of organ trading?

8. Besides the Kantian objection, what other major ethical issue currently affects regenerative medicine?

9. What does palliative medicine help recover?

10. What would most of us consider an unwelcome consequence of not retaining the acts/omissions distinction with respect to our response to famine (for example)?


  • How do you generally go about establishing trust in a new relationship? Do such general considerations apply equally to the clinical relationship? How does "professionalism" relate to trust?
  • Considering the "demented professor" (81) and other instances of patients whose expressed "best interests" may conflict with a clinician's therapeutic impulses: how important is the patient's present happiness, in influencing your clinical evaluation?
  • What's wrong, if in fact the doctor does possess more accurate information and more relevant experience, with treating the patient after the analogy of parent and child?
  • What would Dr. House do about patients who make (in his opinion) foolish decisions regarding their care? Would you hire him to work in your hospital?
  • Under what circumstances would you NOT violate confidentiality and inform a patient's partner that they were HIV positive?
  • What concept is more relevant in evaluating the ethical status of abortion: viability, humanity, personhood, maternal rights, or... ?
  • What do you think of Thomson's violinist analogy (91-2)?
  • Can a baby really have five parents (as opposed to five co-progenitors)? How do you define parenthood?
  • Should surrogacy, organ trafficking, and transplant tourism be regulated? How, and by whom? 
  • Do you think our society has a healthy attitude towards mental illness? Is it possible to declare a politically and ideologically neutral standard of sanity?
  • How would you counsel patients who insist they no longer value their "quality of life" and refuse potentially effective treatment and medication?  
  • Can the medical profession ever fully embrace the concept of ars moriendi, the art of dying?
  • Can you imagine ever facilitating a suicide, professionaly or personally?
  • Is there anything wrong with displaying cadavers in a museum exhibit (as in "Bodies: The Exhibition")? What guidelines should be followed?

Also of interest:

Drug Shortages Forcing Hard Decisions on Rationing Treatments...In a survey of cancer doctors conducted in 2012 and 2013, 83 percent of respondents who regularly prescribed cancer drugs reported having been unable to provide the preferred chemotherapy agent at least once during the previous six months. More than a third of them said they had to delay treatment “and make difficult choices about which patients to exclude,” according to a letter published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

The threat of future shortages in children’s treatments is serious enough that Dr. Peter Adamson, who leads the Children’s Oncology Group, the largest international group of children’s cancer researchers, assigned his organization to set priorities. “We’ve been forced into what we think is a highly unethical corner,” he said in an interview...
Scientists create a part-human, part-pig embryo — raising the possibility of interspecies organ transplants
Human stem cells could be implanted in an early pig embryo, making a chimera with human organs suitable for transplant.
The president has greatly expanded a policy restricting federal aid to health organizations abroad that talk to women about abortion.
The Struggle to Conceive With Frozen Eggs
Brigitte Adams caused a sensation four years ago when she appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek under the headline, “Freeze your eggs, Free your career.” She was single and blond, a Vassar graduate who spoke fluent Italian, and was working in tech marketing for a number of prestigious companies. Her story was one of empowerment, how a new fertility procedure was giving women more choices, as the magazine noted provocatively, “in the quest to have it all.” (continues, WaPo)
Does living forever sound ideal? These 5 new books will change your mind.Aside from Betty White, the examples of immortality are not encouraging. The ancient Greeks — who, by the way, are all dead now — sang a particularly harrowing tale of Tithonus. He was that prince who got to live forever but kept aging, which is why you should try to stay out of the sun as much as possible when you are young. Centuries later, Christianity promised everybody eternal life, but where and how you might be spending it was a matter of fiery debate. (continues, WaPo)==
The Men Who Want to Live Forever by Dara Horn

Would you like to live forever? Some billionaires, already invincible in every other way, have decided that they also deserve not to die. Today several biotech companies, fueled by Silicon Valley fortunes, are devoted to “life extension” — or as some put it, to solving “the problem of death.”

It’s a cause championed by the tech billionaire Peter Thiel, the TED Talk darling Aubrey de Gray, Google’s billion-dollar Calico longevity lab and investment by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. The National Academy of Medicine, an independent group, recently dedicated funding to “end aging forever.”

As the longevity entrepreneur Arram Sabeti told The New Yorker: “The proposition that we can live forever is obvious. It doesn’t violate the laws of physics, so we can achieve it.” Of all the slightly creepy aspects to this trend, the strangest is the least noticed: The people publicly championing life extension are mainly men.

Not all of them, of course. In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn received the Nobel Prize for her work on telomeres, protein caps on chromosomes that may be a key to understanding aging. Cynthia Kenyon, the vice president for aging research at Calico, studied life extension long before it was cool; her former protégée, Laura Deming, now runs a venture capital fund for the cause. But these women are focused on curbing age-related pathology, a concept about as controversial as cancer research. They do not appear thirsty for the Fountain of Youth.

Professor Blackburn’s new book on telomeres couldn’t be clearer. “Does our research show that by maintaining your telomeres you will live into your hundreds?” it says. “No. Everyone’s cells become old and eventually we die.” Ms. Kenyon once described her research’s goal as “to just have a healthy life and then turn out the lights.” Even Ms. Deming, a 23-year-old prodigy who worked in Ms. Kenyon’s lab at age 12, points out that “aging is innately important to us.”

Few of these experts come close to matching the gaudy statements of the longevity investor and “biohacker” Dave Asprey, who has told journalists, “I decided that I was just not going to die.” Or those of Brian Hanley, a microbiologist who has tested an anti-aging gene therapy he developed on himself, who claimed: “There’s a bunch of things that will need to be done to achieve life spans into at least hundreds of years. But we’ll get there.” Or of the 74-year-old fashion mogul Peter Nygard, who during a promotional clip receives injections of his own stem cells to reverse his aging while declaring: “Ponce de León had the right idea. He was just too early. That was then. This is now.”

I came across Mr. Nygard’s ode to human endurance three years ago while beginning research on a novel about a woman who can’t die, and watching that video allowed me to experience something close to life extension. As Mr. Nygard compared himself to Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin while dancing with a bevy of models — or as a voice-over explained, “living a life most can only dream of” — nine minutes of YouTube expanded into a vapid eternity, where time melted into a vortex of solipsism.

At that time I was immersed in caring for my four young children, and this paean to everlasting youth seemed especially stupid. I recall thinking that if this was eternal life, death didn’t seem that bad.

But now, as powerful men have begun falling like dominoes under accusations of sexual assault, that video with its young women clustered around an elderly multimillionaire has haunted me anew. As I recall my discomfort with the proclamations of longevity-driven men who hope to achieve “escape velocity,” I think of the astonishing hubris of the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, those who saw young women’s bodies as theirs for the taking.

Much has been said about why we allowed such behavior to go unchecked. What has remained unsaid, because it is so obvious, is what would make someone so shameless in the first place: These people believed they were invincible. They saw their own bodies as entirely theirs and other people’s bodies as at their disposal; apparently nothing in their lives led them to believe otherwise.

Historically, this is a mistake that few women would make, because until very recently, the physical experience of being a woman entailed exactly the opposite — and not only because women have to hold their keys in self-defense while walking through parking lots at night. It’s only very recently that women have widely participated in public life, but it’s even more recently that men have been welcome, or even expected, to provide physical care for vulnerable people.

Only for a nanosecond of human history have men even slightly shared what was once exclusively a woman’s burden: the relentless daily labor of caring for another person’s body, the life-preserving work of cleaning feces and vomit, the constant cycle of cooking and feeding and blanketing and bathing, whether for the young, the ill or the old. For nearly as long as there have been humans, being a female human has meant a daily nonoptional immersion in the fragility of human life and the endless effort required to sustain it.

Obviously not everyone who provides care for others is a saint. But engaging in that daily devotion, or even living with its expectation, has enormous potential to change a person. It forces one to constantly imagine the world from someone else’s point of view: Is he hungry? Maybe she’s tired. Is his back hurting him? What is she trying to say?

The most obvious cure for today’s gender inequities is to put more women in power. But if we really hope to create an equal society, we will also need more men to care for the powerless — more women in the boardroom, but also more men at the nurses’ station and the changing table, immersed in daily physical empathy. If that sounds like an evolutionary impossibility, well, it doesn’t violate the laws of physics, so we can achieve it. It is surely worth at least as much investment as defeating death.

Perhaps it takes the promise of immortality to inspire the self-absorbed to invest in unsexy work like Alzheimer’s research. If so, we may all one day bless the inane death-defiance as a means to a worthy end.

But men who hope to live forever might pause on their eternal journey to consider the frightening void at invincibility’s core. Death is the ultimate vulnerability. It is the moment when all of us must confront exactly what so many women have known all too well: You are a body, only a body, and nothing more.

Dara Horn is the author, most recently, of the novel “Eternal Life.”
An old post-
Bioethics today is about the ways our vision of issues and outcomes may be occluded, blurred, or otherwise compromised by our respective points of view or perspectives. Of course this is not unique to bioethics, all human comprehension is subject to bias by the attenuation of culture, gender, religion, ideology, experience, the absence of experience, greed, egoism, and on our list could go. It is in our nature to see what we've seen, to see what we want to see, to see through a glass darkly. Without corrected vision the people perish.

Our native tendency to frame experience incorrectly, conformable to our own pre-vision and hence occlusive of other ways of seeing and clinically intervening, is a constant challenge to the fair-minded ethicist. Bioethical philosophers across the perspectival spectrum presume to prescribe corrective frames, but inattention to the varieties of sight is a constant hazard. Here's a link to a good little essay on the subject, from esteemed bioethicist Arthur Caplan: "When Religion Trumps Medicine."

We should play with this metaphor. As a lifetime wearer of framed corrective lenses, I can attest to the temporary excitement of a new prescription, or even just a stylish new frame to house the old set of lenses. The trick is always to find frames that hold up through every season of wear, that don't grow tiresome, and that justify the expense of change. (My wife returned from Costco one day reporting that the same frames she'd found at the Eye Doc's were $100s cheaper there.) Sometimes new lenses in the old frame suffice, sometimes you just need a new look.

So, some of the perspectives we'll try to focus and reframe today: attitudes and assumptions around HIV/AIDS, especially as occluded by miseducation; violence as a public health issue; "feminist critiques" of contingently-drawn, historically-conditioned categories of masculinity and femininity, locked into patriarchal institutions and practices that discriminate against women; misogyny; marginalization; advocacy; embodiment; empowerment; relational autonomy; metaphysical dualism; care; furor therapeuticus; female genital mutilation; "Asian bioethics"; Plato's Euthyphro; Abraham & Isaac; Buddhism; and more.

How do you get that "new look"? I always like to suggest trying the John Rawls Original Position/Veil of Ignorance frames. Some of us can wear them.

One more indulgence, before discussion: the snarly TV doc Gregory House was suggested by a student last semester as a good example of how some practitioners seem driven less by the patient's best care than by their own egoism. But, getting the diagnosis and treatment right regardless of motive and ego still seems the most important thing. Doesn't it? Maybe you can find & share links to other YouTube moments illustrative of good and bad medical-ethical practice.

Also of interest:
HHS nominee skirts questions about impact of Drumpf’s executive order on ACA

President Drumpf’s choice for health secretary declined Tuesday to promise that no Americans would be worse off under Drumpf’s executive order to ease provisions of the Affordable Care Act — and distanced himself from the president’s claim to have an almost-
finished plan to replace the law.

At a testy Senate confirmation hearing on his nomination to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) sought to play down the influence he would have on reshaping the health-care system along conservative lines, while attempting to deflect accusations from Democrats about his ethics.

He repeatedly flashed his long-standing distaste for federal insurance standards and other government strategies to guide medical care. And although he embraced certain policies popular within the GOP, such as special insurance pools for patients with preexisting medical conditions, he steered clear of other ideas he has supported, including the transformation of Medicaid from an entitlement program for lower-income people to a set of block grants to states.

By the time the hearing ended after four hours, the Senate Finance Committee’s partisan divisions appeared as bitter as they had at the beginning, with the Republicans aligned solidly behind the nominee despite sharp Democratic attacks on his investment and legislative practices.

Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) praised Price as a singularly qualified nominee and took broad swipes at Senate Democrats, saying they were tearing at the fabric of the chamber as an institution with their attempts to undercut Drumpf’s Cabinet ­choices.

The committee’s ranking Democrat, Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), countered that Price, if confirmed, would “take America back to the dark days when health care was for the healthy and the wealthy.” Focusing on the private investments in health-care companies that could have benefited from bills Price sponsored, Wyden said that “it is hard to see this as anything but a conflict of interest and an abuse of position.”

[Who is Tom Price?]

A fresh allegation Tuesday was that Price underreported to the committee and the Office of Government Ethics the value of shares he holds in an Australian company, Innate Immunotherapeutics. Price, who purchased some of that stock through a discounted, private offering, attributed the under­reporting to “a clerical error” and a misunderstanding of the question.

“The reality is that everything that I did was ethical, above­board, legal and transparent,” Price said — a message Republicans sought to reinforce throughout the hearing.

Democrats targeted most of their questioning on the direction that Price, if confirmed, would try to take the health-care system. Price demurred repeatedly.

For instance, he sidestepped a series of questions about the effects of the sweeping order Drumpf issued just hours after his ­swearing-in that directed agencies to lift or soften federal rules implementing aspects of the ACA. Price declined to commit that no one would be harmed, that no one would lose insurance coverage or that the regulations would be rewritten only after a plan exists to replace the 2010 health-care law.

He similarly deflected a question about whether the new administration would try to stop enforcement of the ACA’s individual insurance requirement prior to a replacement plan.

See how your coverage could be impacted by four prominent plans proposed by RepublicansVIEW GRAPHIC

“I commit to working with you,” Price finally told Wyden after reiterating that his goal is to ensure all Americans have an opportunity for access to health insurance. The ACA’s goal is universal coverage.

“We didn’t get an answer,” Wyden retorted.

Price also skirted questions by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) about Drumpf’s statements the weekend before his inauguration that the health-care plan he was completing would provide “insurance for everybody.”

Brown asked: “President Drumpf said he’s working with you on a replacement plan for the ACA, which is nearly finished and will be revealed after your confirmation. Is that true?”

Price replied: “It’s true that he said that, yes.”

The packed hearing room broke into laughter.

Brown persisted: “Did the president lie about this, that he’s not working with you?”

The nominee gave an oblique answer, saying, “I’ve had conversations with the president about health care.”

[HHS nominee’s mix of investments, donations, legislations keeps raising questions]

Tuesday’s hearing was the more significant of two appearances Price has made in the past week on Capitol Hill because the Finance Committee has jurisdiction to vote on his nomination. A date has not been set.

Democrats’ numerous attacks on Price in the past week prompted Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), who officially introduced Price to his Finance Committee colleagues, to say, “I feel like I’ve been asked to be a character witness in a felony trial in the sentencing phase of a conviction.” WaPo
Faith-Based Decisions: Parents Who Refuse Appropriate Care for Their Children
Adam Lovell*, an active 2 ½ -year-old boy, was healthy until the day his parents took him to the local emergency department for vomiting and a suspected case of acute gastroenteritis. To the physicians, Adam appeared lethargic and was responsive only to painful stimulus. A blood culture was obtained, and other laboratory tests were performed. The blood culture later grew a meningococcus. Within hours "purple splotches" appeared on his face, legs, and trunk. Adam was diagnosed with meningococcemia and was started on appropriate antibiotics and steroids administered intravenously. Adam was intubated to stabilize his airway and transported to the County Memorial Hospital. On arrival, his perfusion was poor and blood pressure low. The tips of all his digits were dark blue; purpura (purple splotches) were present over most of his trunk, feet, and hands in a "stocking-glove" distribution. Intravenous fluid boluses and vasoactive drug infusions were administered. Adam's parents consented to multiple blood component therapy to treat a coagulopathy. Adam was also treated for respiratory failure related to meningococcal sepsis with both conventional and high frequency mechanical ventilation for the first 11 days of hospitalization.

At 10 days, Adam had well demarcated patches of dry, devitalized tissue (dry gangrene) on both of his feet, his left hand, and the fingers of his right hand. An eschar was present on the posterior surface of his right thigh. Ulcerated areas of skin were present in the perineal region. Consulting surgeons talked to his parents about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of amputation and debridement of portions of both of Adam's feet, his left hand, and the fingers of his right hand. The Lovells consented to the debridement and surgical treatment and signed the consent form. Shortly thereafter the family's minister came to the hospital and prayed with Adam's parents for God to restore life to the devitalized tissues. Soon afterward, the Lovells rescinded consent to surgical treatment and communicated that they wished to allow time to elapse so that God could heal Adam's dead and injured tissues. When the physician and the surgeon told Adam's parents that infection and sepsis would be inevitable without treatment, they agreed verbally that, in the event of sepsis, amputation should be performed.

Over the ensuing 2 ½ weeks, physicians met with the Lovells and vigorously attempted to persuade them to proceed with Adam's amputation and debridement of dead tissues. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell remained adamant that an expectant approach be maintained. During this time neither sepsis nor wet gangrene, which would have offered absolute indication for surgical intervention, occurred. Despite the best efforts of the family and staff, many hours elapsed where Adam remained quiet and alone in his bed. He would cry and appeared to be sad. At times he cried out "hand" while gazing at his outstretched and mummified hands. During visits, the Lovells read the Bible to Adam and assured him that God would direct his hands and feet to re-grow. The Lovells asserted to the staff that Jesus had arisen from the dead and shown himself to believers, and that God would revitalize Adam's dead tissues. Both family-associated and hospital-based clergy were regularly present to expand opportunities for mutual understanding of religious and medical issues. Adam's parents were repeatedly confronted with the ever-present and increasingly imminent reality that Adam needed amputations to prevent new onset of sepsis and to avoid possible death from sepsis.

After almost a month in the pediatric intensive care unit, Adam began to experience fevers and his white blood cell counts increased; both signs were indicative of developing infection. Therapy with topical and systemic antibiotics was continued and modified. His parents were informed of the changes and of the increasing need to consent to surgical therapy. In an effort to reinforce the inescapable need for surgical therapy, the physicians consulted with a burn surgeon at a neighboring institution by telemedicine. The surgeon confirmed that amputation was unavoidable. These communications were shared with the Lovells, who nevertheless, were not dissuaded from insisting upon further observation. Despite considerable effort to understand and support the parents by their own family members, by the medical staff, by social service, by psychology and by clergy (hospital and family), a clear impasse had been reached. The Division of Social Services (DSS) was engaged to evaluate the case for a possible claim of medical neglect against Adam's parents. With the possibility of the child's custody being assumed by DSS, the parents signed consent for amputation and debridement. The mother signed consent because "only death would take my baby from me." The family requested that a "hands-on" surgical evaluation be performed at another medical facility. This request was granted. Expedited transfer was made, surgical intervention was deemed necessary by the receiving surgeon and amputation and debridement followed within 2 days.
Letting them die: parents refuse medical help for children in the name of Christ
The Followers of Christ is a religious sect that preaches faith healing in states such as Idaho, which offers a faith-based shield for felony crimes – despite alarming child mortality rates among these groups
Mariah Walton’s voice is quiet – her lungs have been wrecked by her illness, and her respirator doesn’t help. But her tone is resolute.

“Yes, I would like to see my parents prosecuted.”


“They deserve it.” She pauses. “And it might stop others.”

Mariah is 20 but she’s frail and permanently disabled. She has pulmonary hypertension and when she’s not bedridden, she has to carry an oxygen tank that allows her to breathe. At times, she has had screws in her bones to anchor her breathing device. She may soon have no option for a cure except a heart and lung transplant – an extremely risky procedure.

All this could have been prevented in her infancy by closing a small congenital hole in her heart. It could even have been successfully treated in later years, before irreversible damage was done. But Mariah’s parents were fundamentalist Mormons who went off the grid in northern Idaho in the 1990s and refused to take their children to doctors, believing that illnesses could be healed through faith and the power of prayer.

As she grew sicker and sicker, Mariah’s parents would pray over her and use alternative medicine. Until she finally left home two years ago, she did not have a social security number or a birth certificate.

Had they been in neighboring Oregon, her parents could have been booked for medical neglect. In Mariah’s case, as in scores of others of instances of preventible death among children in Idaho since the 1970s, laws exempt dogmatic faith healers from prosecution, and she and her sister recently took part in a panel discussion with lawmakers at the state capitol about the issue. Idaho is one of only six states that offer a faith-based shield for felony crimes such as manslaughter.

Some of those enjoying legal protection are fringe Mormon families like Mariah’s, many of whom live in the state’s north. But a large number of children have died in southern Idaho, near Boise, in families belonging to a reclusive, Pentecostal faith-healing sect called the Followers of Christ... (continues)


  1. Quiz Question:
    With a perspective on bioethics, what two reasons make Islam is so important?

    1. 1. it is the second largest and rapidly growing group of believers worldwide whose daily life is strongly influenced by their faith
      2. it insists that God's will is absolutely sovereign no matter how strange or difficult to understand and is needed to guide ethics

  2. This is an article I discovered and I believe it really covers what chapter 3 focuses on with bioethics and how perspectives shape our ethics. This article is about abortion but that is not the aspect I would like to focus. The issue at hand in this article is gender based or ethnic based abortion. Gender based abortion is historically known due to the controversy that surrounds China. What do you think about the fact that now sex and raced based abortions are finding their way into the U.S. and what do you think about the ethics behind the professionals preforming the abortions based on these factors?

  3. Quiz Question: Many children were born with sever physical handicaps as a result of a sleeping pill in which scandal?

  4. Why is it that women in 3rd world countries have less education about protecting themselves and have safer sex?

    1. Hey Rezhna,
      I'm not sure that that's a fact for a few reasons. For example, in some third world countries there may not be access to condoms or contraceptives of any kind. If you were to look at data from somewhere where sexually tranmitted disease is rampant, then sure, the local population would likely take advantage of the opportunity to be protected.

  5. DQ: How do you think your own attitudes and assumptions about gender, religion, etc. influence your Bioethical perspective?

    Response: I personally feel that my attitudes and assumptions about gender, religion, etc. influence my Bioethical perspective (s) in way that allows me to think openly about various topics that may be vital to our society. Although my attitudes and assumptions may shift from time to time, I still feel that by keeping a non-biased view on these things, I am better able to learn more about the Bioethical perspective that I have.

    1. I belive that my raising and perspective on these subjects will help me relate to my patients and make them more comfortable. Hopefully, if I have patients one day, I can relate my similarities with them to gain their respect and trust. Thankfully I have a wide spectrum of knowledge and beliefs.

  6. Quiz Question: Which 17th century philosopher is responsible for the birth of the "Dualism" philosophy?

    1. The French philosopher René Descartes is credited with creating "Dualism " and is also known as "the father of modern western philosophy."

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Quiz Question: What term sums up "Asian Bioethics"?

  9. Quiz Question:
    What Islamic tradition has great similarities to the Jewish tradition of "responsa"?

  10. What do Plato's Euthyphro and the Biblical story of Abraham & Isaac suggest to you about the place of religion in addressing biotethical issues?

    So in my opinion and personal life, I believe that religion has a place in bioethics based upon Plato's second horn in Euthyphro that God's will is always synonymous with what is right. As health professionals and participants in the health care field in general, the very fact that we call ourselves "practitioners" of medicine shows and admits that that outside of knowing outcomes based on trial and error many things are out of our control. This is where religion or God comes in. "Rightness" in itself may be able to be achieved without God but in situations where rightness cannot be found by our finite ethical systems a greater knowledge source is needed. Therefore, listening to God's will only enhances our ability to act in an ethical manner especially in situations with factors that are out of our control or knowledge base. Drawing a parallel to Abraham and Issac, God's testing of Abraham's faith may not have initially seemed ethically sound, however as a result Abraham was assured of God's promise and Abraham's descendants (the Jews and Christians) can now share in that trust which proved God's test to be in line with "rightness".

  11. Possible discussion topic:

    Do you believe it is important to address the "baggage" (assumptions made about ethnicities, religions, genders, etc) one brings when discussing ethics and ethical dilemmas? Do you believe all individuals should have their differences ignored to maintain an even playing field or should these differences be added into the conversation?

    Personally I believe that turning a blind eye to the differences in us does more harm than good. When discussing a matter, say race, it is important to recognize struggles that the race in question faces every day. For example, African American activists have been fighting for equality within the American societies for a LONG time and it is imperative to recognize this, but the solution to their struggles is not the statement "I don't see color." This statement discounts the entire race and treats a unique culture as unimportant. Not seeing race is discrediting years of struggle and the consequences that happened because of them (like social trauma, poor economic conditions with little help to rise from it, educational gaps, etc) These issues that certain groups still face today should be addressed and not ignored in conversations on ethics.

    1. I agree. The different elements of life (religion,gender,etc.) will always cause debate. But, in terms of the baggage, almost every human being thinks differently. Besides gender and race discrimination, we should allow everyone to believe and use their religious practices in their ethics. As long as well-being and assurance is obtained, there is no problem with it.

  12. In response to the discussion about personal attitudes and their effect(s) on my personal bioethical perspectives, I would have to say that they definitely do "bleed" into how my perception on everyday issues are dealt with. I do, however, attempt to maintain a minimum level to which I allow my personal attitudes to interfere with matters that require a more clear-minded approach. Having said that, I feel as though an individual's bioethical perspectives should be less discriminatory when it comes to instances such as treatment in medicine or any other serious matters. Anyways, that's a little bit about how my personal attitudes and assumptions affect my bioethical perspective(s).

  13. Here is a link to an interesting video with Carol Gilligan on "Resisting injustice: a feminist Ethics of care". What is your opinion on her views?

  14. Replies
    1. Marginalizing is regarding a group as being inferior and therefore not having a right to the same amount of liberty as everyone else.


    This link leads to a brief article on familial communitarianism by Dr. Kam-por Yu in Hong Kong. It gives us a peek into the views on this term from a different perspective.


    An image outlining the levels and stages of the ethic of care. It's simple but rather profound and in the end is very similar to the hippocratic oath.

  17. This is a short essay that highlights the marginalization of women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Is it culturally insensitive to try to end these horrible circumstances? No!

  18. Quiz Question:
    How does Campbell think empowerment is achieved? What does it entail?

  19. Quiz question: which ancient philosophy, originating in China, suggests that "morality is embeded in a way of life directed towards virtue and sustained by rituals or rites"?

  20. Discussion Question:

    Do you believe that empowerment is achievable in today's society or is it only achievable in a society that resembles Utopia?

  21. What is dharma in hinduism and buddhism?

    1. Dharma has two distinct meanings. The first is that Dharma means collective teachings of Buddha ("The teachings"). The second meaning translates into "the way things are.

  22. On page 52, Campbell asserts, "it may be that women, who have strong reminders of their bodily existence through menstration, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast feeding, are less likely to be caught up in this dualist fallacy than are men." While this may be a contributing factor, I would also like to point out that the hyper-sexualization and objectification of our bodies would also act as a "strong reminder" of our "bodily existence."

  23. Discussion Question

    What do you think of the "medical tourist hubs" in Asia and their effects on their local inhabitants? How would you propose to rectify the situation?

    1. I'm sure it has negative effects on the locals, but for people who can't afford operations or don't have specific operations in their country of origin it can be life saving. I don't think it's right because we should have more evenly dispersed availability of modern health care around the world however, given the unevenly dispersed resources of education, medical equipment, and hospitals it will be extremely difficult to prevent this from happening.

  24. DQ:

    Do you believe that it is possible to wholly avoid causing harm to all forms of life in this current time period that we live in (21st Century) as proposed by the principle of ahimsa (pp. 65)?

  25. discussion: Can religions be unified to enhance bioethical practices or will religion always divide people on the issue?

    Good article:

  26. Quiz Question: Asian writers and politicians has seen the human rights movement as what form of imperialism?

  27. Quiz Question:

    What does Campbell feel about apartheid?

  28. Interesting viewpoint on how dying has changed.


    Here is a link about the laws regarding child endangerment, religious rights, and needed medical treatment

  30. Phillip Shackelford, Nick Place, Darcy Tabotabo
    We further discussed the argument of saving a child's life although a parent does not consent due to religious beliefs. We concluded that the doctor should be proceed by law to save the child due to his obligations as a medical professional to preserve life.

  31. Bell Doski, Kayleah Bradley, Shivan Berwari

    We discussed in depth about medical professional who recognize that they have implicit biases. We agreed that although one should not discriminate based on differences with patients, one should not pretend that these differences don't exist. Also we agreed that certain healthcare professionals shoudl not get closer to their patients whereas others can do that without emotional distress.

  32. In Class Discussion: (Madison Toney, Shonda Clanton, & Dr. Oliver)

    We discussed the history and theories of modern day feminism and how extremists have really taken away from what we think it originally started as. We discussed the idea of needing to rename the group as something along the line of just general equality for all human beings. We also discussed some personal opinions about religion and how that it could contradict views of ethical decisions.

  33. In class discussion: Sarah, heather, and Addison discussed how even though as medical professionals our goal is to help people, we can not go against a parents wishes. We can try to persuade, but we can't force.

  34. This article is a bit extremist but has some good facts and statements about marginalization of women

    Just copy and paste it because it will not hyperlink

  35. A discussion question from the previous class:
    Do you believe that it is possible to wholly avoid causing harm to all forms of life in this current time period that we live in (21st Century) as proposed by the principle of ahimsa (pp. 65)

    I dont believe that it is ever possible, in contemporary or past times, to completely avoid all forms of harm to the world around you and with the lifeforms you interact with. Answering under the idea that "all forms of harm" include not only physical but also mental and emotional harm, it is virtually impossible, especially in a world so closely connected by instantaneous communication with a wide variety of culturally and personal mentalities, to not somehow injury someone because of one's words or own beliefs.

  36. Discussion Questions
    1. Should our bodies be considered a prison or a temporary mechanism in which to navigate life?

    2.Do you think the idea of rebirth is possible? What do you think constitutes how you are reborn or what you are reborn as if you previously answered yes?

  37. Discussion Questions
    How do you think your own attitudes and assumptions about gender, religion, etc. influence your Bioethical perspective?
    I think my attitudes and assumptions about gender, religion, etc. influence my bioethical perspective from a strong moral standpoint. My religion acts as a foundation for my morals, so if I question a decision that’s what I fall back on for guidance. On the other hand, if someone has different views than I do not try to force my views on them, I just work with the aspects of myself they accept and use that to strive for the most ethical outcome.

    How should medical professionals treat and care for children whose parents object to medical intervention on religious grounds?
    Medical professionals should present the best options for the situations both from a medical intervention standpoint and a non-medical intervention standpoint to the parents. Additionally, the professional should research the religion of the family so that he or she understands the situation to the fullest. Also, by finding out more about the religion the professional might be able to find a loophole that will be accepted by the family in the best interest of the child. If nothing else, the professional should do anything that is permitted to make sure that the child is in the least amount of pain possible.

    Is it best for caregivers to try and limit their personal knowledge of patients' particular perspectives, beliefs, identities (religious, political, cultural etc.) so as to avoid conscious or unconscious bias in treatment, or does this unduly sacrifice the humane dimension of medical practice
    I think it is important for caregivers to have a basic knowledge of their patients’ particular perspectives, beliefs, identities (religious, political, cultural etc.) because if the caregiver and patient have something in common that could make the patient more trusting and honest in the setting. If the caregiver acts in a bias manner according to the patients’ perspectives, beliefs, identities (religious, political, cultural etc.) the caregiver is not acting in a professional manner for the capacity they have been hired in. Additionally, if the caregiver feels as if they would more liable to make a mistake they should request the patient be given to another caregiver.


    This article discusses pharmacists’ refusal to fill certain prescriptions because it goes against their religious beliefs. It also describes the “rights and responsibilities of healthcare providers.”

    1. Very interesting article! Although I agree with the idea that as healthcare providers should be unbiased and that in assuming that role we have to put our personal views aside.

  39. Alternative Discussion questions:

    *This chapter talks about trying to make the distinction between caring for and caring about patients. If you were in the position of a physician what boundaries would you set to make sure you aren't overly involved?
    *What examples does the book use to express gender bias?
    *According to Campbell, how is empowerment achieved?
    *What are the presented objections to ethical relativism?
    *"For Aristotle the goal of eudaimonia was______"

    1. I would only get as involved as the family was comfortable with. I would want them to know I was there to support them, but not there as a close family friend.

    2. Hi Clorissa,

      Great question and one I've pondered over several times as I prep for medical school to be a doctor. Personally, I love people and want to help in any way that I can. But, for me, this drive comes from a deep love of humanity and therefore bonded with strong feelings of empathy, compassion, and love. With that said, I know I’ll be a physician that cares about my patients. But finding a middle ground to be empathetic while not emotionally exhausting myself, I imagine, can only be defined in the moment and the moments afterwards. Each situation will change me, but also allow me to grow not only as a doctor but as an individual. These are days I am not looking forward to, but days I must accept. Perhaps these discussions are the pre-work for such days.

  40. Open Discussion....

    Can one ever truly be free? If our parents/guardians raise us with their ideologies, faith/religion, environment/society, etc. how do we know what we are thinking is of our own and not something imbedded from childhood? To me, it would seem it would take years to “undue” all that was instilled as children and recreate yourself the way I deemed correct.

    Numerous studies have been conducted in attempt to answer such questions, but virtually impossible to truly know without violating a vast of human ethical and moral rules that the society we would be trying to “break free” from created. Though, a recent movie may provide a platform to explore such a possibility.

    If you had a chance to see the 2013 movie Man of Steel, the storyline takes the audience to a deeper look at the society and way of life on the planet Krypton. On Krypton, all children were bred and genetically altered to meet a single purpose for their society. No child was born without a purpose and therefore, never truly free to explore and eventually decide what their purpose in life should be. Of course, this is extreme, but it does create an alternate universe to discuss “can one ever truly be free?”


    1. Of course we can be free! Are we inherently restricted by our own judgements and upbringing? Absolutely! Are there neural pathways established or "imbedded from childhood" due to society, culture, news and etc? Well, naturally! Am I done asking and answering my own philosophical questions? Well, I'm not sure yet...
      What I believe, is that while we are a product of our genetic predisposition and an expression of our experientially established neural pathways, the fact that we have the presence of mind to notice this says to me that we have a chance to think from varying perspectives. We can mull things over, and our life experiences as we go add a little bit of flavor to our thoughtfulness soup. While we may be biased, unwittingly racist, sexist or whatever underlying nasty little nuances we may be withholding...we can self realize and curtail, and thus are free.

  41. Additional Discussion Questions:
    1.What role does religion play in bioethics? Do you have a preference on having a religious practitioner or not?

    Additional text questions:
    1. What are the main differences between religions of the east and the west?
    2.What are some other leading causes of illness and death in the developing world?

    1. I feel like we should try to exclude religion from bioethics as much as we can because there isn't one, all encompassing religion; therefore, if we were to include it in the debate we wouldn't be able to establish all encompassing guidelines.

    Here is a brief article on the role of religion in bioethics.

  43. Discussion Questions:
    1. Is there one religion that is more closely related to bioethics than others? If you think so, why?
    2. Should health care providers be unbiased in their own religious views when handling patients? Why or why not?
    3. Why are the stereotypes of gender roles being perpetuated if they have been proven untrue?
    4. What percentage of a medical decision should be based on cultural values? Defend your answer.
    5. Would you be willing to do something unethical if it meant saving a life? (eg: an abortion to save a mother)

  44. Extra Quiz Questions:

    What contributes to the high percentage of woman dying from HIV/AIDS?

    What ethical perspective makes the claim that “any kind of appeal to a universal moral law is illusory”?

    1. 1. A combination of biological factors and gender based inequalities
      2. ethical relativism

  45. 250 word weekly essay
    * How should medical professionals treat and care for children whose parents object to medical intervention on religious grounds? *

    This is a touchy subject, and I think great caution should be taken in establishing boundaries. We should start by saying that most any procedure or medical treatment as a generalization should first be approved by a parent. With this in mind, there should be extenuating circumstances for instances where a parent isn't available...and for the rare more extreme instances involving ethics. The question at the root of the issue here is: at what point is it not okay to refuse your child treatment, weather it be for religious purposes or any other? We can answer this, I think concisely, and that's with when there is risk of severe impairment (such as loss of sight or limb), and/or death.
    At the point where the aforementioned are the consequences of inaction, there should be no other option save for action.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. I've read to many stories of parents refusing to seek medical attention for their child and it leading to their demise. This is unfair and cruel to the children loss who had no say in what was to be done for them.


    This Washington post article talks about some of the factors the government has to face concerning the subject of kidney/ organ trafficking.

    1. I had no idea there was such a dark side to organ transplants. This article was really eye opening.

    2. I mean, where there is a high demand, and a lot of money available, there will ALWAYS be some shady undertakings. It goes without even being said. Now, take the same principle and apply it to fetal stem cell research and we can see a recipe for some pretty disgusting things to come about.

  47. Discussion Questions
    • How do you generally go about establishing trust in a new relationship? Do such general considerations apply equally to the clinical relationship? How does "professionalism" relate to trust?
    I generally establish trust in a new relationship by expressing who I am as an individual, as well as, keeping my distance from certain personal topics until they are brought up by the person I have just met. I think general considerations do apply to a clinical relationship, but the practitioner shouldn’t bait the patient to give more information unless it is necessary. Additionally, practitioner should stay within the topics of the appointment. Professionalism relates to trust in the case that a patient trusts that your professional life will not bleed into your personal life, and that since you are a professional you will not talk out their situation outside of the one on one conversation.

    • Under what circumstances would you NOT violate confidentiality and inform a patient's partner that they were HIV positive?
    If you told the patient’s partner that they were HIV positive you would not be violating confidentially because it would fall under general principle. You would not have to tell the partner if the patient decides to tell it themselves.

    • Do you think our society has a healthy attitude towards mental illness? Is it possible to declare a politically and ideologically neutral standard of sanity?
    Yes, I think our society has a healthy attitude toward mental illness. Our society today is more accepting of it and works harder to make sure that the individuals suffering from mental illness are experiencing life in the fullest ways possible. Additionally, our attitude toward mental illness has unintentionally made bonds between divided groups stronger in some cases. On the other hand, I do not think it will be possible to declare a neutral standard of sanity.

    • Is there anything wrong with displaying cadavers in a museum exhibit (as in "Bodies: The Exhibition")? What guidelines should be followed?
    I don’t think there is anything wrong with displaying cadavers in a museum especially if the body was donated to science by the individual before they died. Some guidelines that should be followed are that the person’s body can’t be displayed within the state they lived in unless that aspect was agreed upon. Additionally, the name of the person shouldn’t be shared.

    Alternative Quiz Questions
    *From whom did George Shaw borrow the phrase “conspiracy against the laity”?
    *What are ways to resolve the question “on what basis should the judgement be made?”
    *What are the three key features of valid consent?
    *What does modern medical practice easily strip people of?
    *What religions condemn abortion?

    This article from the New York Times gives the story of a man who is trying to create a new form of palliative therapy based on his own experience.

    1. This story was really inspiring! The idea that he went through such an unusual medical procedure, and decided to use that experience to make a difference for others was really incredible.

    Here is an article from The Guardian discussing designer babies. They make several interesting points which skewed my view.

  50. Alternative quiz questions
    1. What statement can be made by the pope that is infallible?
    2. What is the difference between competent and informed consent?
    3.What is the primitive streak and what can it be used for?

    Discussion question: Is your view on abortion shaped by your religious belief? If you weren't a member of your current church would you still hold that mentality?

  51. Additional Quiz Questions:
    1. What happens in a society that bans legal abortions?
    2. Who does infertility affect?
    3. What is the main difference between IVF and AI?
    4. How many parents can a child have?
    Discussion Question:
    1. Should parents be allowed to make their child suffer if a cure or treatment is available?
    2. At what age are we able to decide whether or not we are able to refuse further treatment, should there be an age or should it be on a base by base case?

  52. Discussion Questions:
    What concept is more relevant in evaluating the ethical status of abortion: viability, humanity, personhood, maternal rights, or... ?
    I would suggest that perhaps the most relevant concept in evaluating the ethics of abortion would be personhood. Although it is the woman who is carrying the child, the issue is whether that fetus counts as a person or not. If it does, then no one has the right to take the life. If it does not yet count as a person, then that right belongs to the parents, particularly the mother since she is the one who must carry the fetus.

    Can a baby really have five parents (as opposed to five co-progenitors)? How do you define parenthood?
    I would argue that a baby could have five biological parents, but not necessarily be considered parents. There are plenty of examples of biological parents either neglecting or abusing their child. Does such a person earn the title “parent”? Perhaps parent solely relates to the biology in which a child is related to two or more adults. However, I would like to believe that the definition of parenthood should more so describe those who fulfil their duties as parents.

    Do you think our society has a healthy attitude towards mental illness? Is it possible to declare a politically and ideologically neutral standard of sanity?
    I believe that our society has become better at having a more understanding and healthier attitude when it comes to mental illness. We have become more aware of how to react to mental illness and provide much better solutions to the underlying issues of mental illnesses. However, I would not suggest that we could come to a neutral standard. Not only would it be difficult to discuss at what point is someone considered “sane,” but we would also risk suggesting nothing was wrong with an individual mentally when in fact they are still dealing with a mental illness. Such a state could be harmful, for by suggesting nothing is wrong, we give off the impression that there is something wrong with them and they are making up their illness. Also, by what standard and by whose definition would sanity be defined? How could we say one behavior is a result of mental illness and another is not?
    What do you think of Thomson's violinist analogy (91-2)?
    I believe that under such circumstances, one would not be morally obliged to stay connected. When in such circumstances, one should not be condemned for a choice they never made. In the case of rape, one should not be forced to continue the pregnancy.

    Extra Quiz Questions:
    1. Are children able to provide competent consent?
    2. What is the “main requirement” of voluntary consent?
    3. After the Tarasoff case, the Supreme Court decided this.
    4. What does a nascent human life refer to?
    5. What was the philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson’s analogy? What did it argue against?

    Fun Link:
    Ted Talk: “Do Kids Think of Sperm Donors As Family?”

  53. Alternate Quiz Questions for Feb 1st Quiz

    1. Why is it necessary to stress the first consideration of the health professional must always be the best interests and welfare of the patient?
    2. What is the essential information needed for a person to give informed consent?
    3. What determines competency to consent?
    4. Describe the gradualist approach.
    5. Name two types of assisted reproductive measures and describe them.
    6. What potential ethical dilemma surrounds Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis?
    7. What are induced pluripotent stem cells?
    8. What disorders contribute to 13% of the global burden of disease?
    9. What two ethical issues arise in dealing with mental illness?

  54. Alternative quiz questions:
    1. When did the geneva code of medical ethics was drawn up?
    2. on page 90, what did the author mention about pharmacological constrains
    3. What did ex cathedra statement stated?
