Nurses would like to set the record straight on the hospital staffing crisis.
We're entering our third year of Covid, and America's nurses — who we celebrated as heroes during the early days of lockdown — are now leaving the bedside. The pandemic arrived with many people having great hope for reform on many fronts, including the nursing industry, but much of that optimism seems to have faded... [video]
To keep patients safe and protect our health care workers, lawmakers could regulate nurse-patient ratios, which California put in place in 2004, with positive results. Similar legislation was proposed and defeated in Massachusetts several years ago (with help from a $25 million "no" campaign funded by the hospital lobby), but it is currently on the table in Illinois and Pennsylvania. These laws could save patient lives and create a more just work environment for a vulnerable generation of nurses, the ones we pledged to honor and protect at the start of the pandemic. nyt
We're entering our third year of Covid, and America's nurses — who we celebrated as heroes during the early days of lockdown — are now leaving the bedside. The pandemic arrived with many people having great hope for reform on many fronts, including the nursing industry, but much of that optimism seems to have faded... [video]
To keep patients safe and protect our health care workers, lawmakers could regulate nurse-patient ratios, which California put in place in 2004, with positive results. Similar legislation was proposed and defeated in Massachusetts several years ago (with help from a $25 million "no" campaign funded by the hospital lobby), but it is currently on the table in Illinois and Pennsylvania. These laws could save patient lives and create a more just work environment for a vulnerable generation of nurses, the ones we pledged to honor and protect at the start of the pandemic. nyt
There is a serious issue right now with hospitals being understaffed. My mother is a nurse in a hospital in West Tennessee and she has shared a few stories with me. I think an increase in staff would help both the well-being and physical health of the patients and the nurses. My grandmother was recently in the hospital and she shared with me that she once desperately needed assistance and was not helped until nearly 30 minutes later. This isn’t her assigned nurse’s fault.. I’m sure she had far too many patients to manage at the time. I am hopeful that a shift in healthcare is coming soon!