Saturday, April 28, 2018

Eugenics Installment 2

For my first installment, I will be discussing the ethics of Eugenics. Eugenics is the science of improving the genetic composition of the human species by selective breeding.  According to this science, humanity could be improved by encouraging the “most fit” to reproduce more often and discouraging the least fit members of society from reproducing. Eugenics believes that selecting the mating partners and controlling the offspring improves the quality of human life.
Before my presentation I was supporting eugenics because I believed that if people of good quality were to mate with each other and people of bad quality were not to reproduce, the result would be more people of good quality. I thought that eugenics eliminates hereditary conditions that lead to deformities, mental and physical problems so it protects children against the inheritance of genetic disorders from their ancestry. Eugenics helps to control gender of offspring this allows parents to choose whether to have a male or female child and this allows them to have a family gender variety . I believed that eugenics creates better IndividualsStudies show that bad behaviors are due to faulty mental processes found in the brain. By altering the DNA makeup of babies, these mental processes can be controlled and help create individuals that are better versions of themselves. Eugenics can make us stronger, faster, healthier, more generous, hardworking, smarter. Moreover, I believed that eugenics can help us control population growth in humans.
After my presentation, I recognized that there are many serious moral and ethical problems with eugenics so I became to a great extent against it. Eugenics can be abused by scientists and politicians to manipulate others. People can use gender screening to stereotype. When new generations of humans are controlled genetically, it eliminates diversity and creates a unified type of race that is deemed perfect and superior. It also creates extreme discrimination against natural born babies because they will be considered inferior to those engineered ones with healthier bodies, smarter minds and better looks. Eugenics can be used against races and minority groups.
Even though, I am against many forms of eugenics, I still accept some forms of it such as the abortion of children who have genetic defects, such as Down syndrome. This could be for the benefit of both parents and children as it could save both of them lots of pain and suffering. Recent research suggests that abortion after prenatal diagnosis has reduced the population of individuals living with Down syndrome in the United States by approximately 30 percent


  1. I saw this story in a documentary that I can't find, so I found a link:

    Basically, Iceland has all but eliminated Down syndrome from their population due to prenatal screenings and allowing abortions if the mother chooses. The argument for programs/policies like this is always that it's better for the population as a whole, but I don't really know how I feel about it. I can't even begin to say that it's ethically or morally okay for me to demand that a mother or father keep a fetus that will develop into a child that has a guaranteed, chronic condition that will create a tremendous burden on them. But at the same time, what if there is a flaw in one of those tests? Who am I to determine the value of another life, or anyone else for that matter? I think picking out which facets of humanity and diversity are "good" is a dangerous path. Then again, I'm allowing heartache and pain to come out that is totally preventable! Even writing this post, I can't really pick a side on this argument. I suppose that means it's a pretty important topic to consider. Great post, Iman!

  2. I wasnt familiar with your topic before you introduced it. From a relegious point of view. I cant really say if it would be acceptable. Its really getting to me that i want to ask a scholar to know what the answer is. Because really, it would be better for the child and family if a abnormality can be prevented. To me, personally besides relegion and all. I see it as something that will be great to a certain limit and rules.
    anyways, thank you for your post and presentation about the topic.- Yazan Musleh
