Monday, April 30, 2018

Medical Complications by Ana (Installment #2)

Thank you all for your participation in my presentation. The video displayed, as Dr. Oliver stated, was clearly disturbing and I agree. Here are many of your thoughts that were captured that day:

Distrust worthy

My initial thought when I viewed the show on TV was ignorance, followed by anger, followed by fear. The thought of ignorance did not rise from the ignorance of the surgeon or staff during the operation, but of the producers of the show. In my opinion, they are the group that is bringing anger, fear, and potentially paranoia to viewers. Sure! It makes for great TV and fills their pockets and bellies, but this is when my thoughts turn from ignorance to anger.

As I travel a pre-med path, I understand how extremely complex this journey is. The years dedicated to virtually one-self to gain the knowledge and skills to help as many as possible is blatantly disregarded in this display of entertainment. It frustrates me that our society now feels the need to “shop” for a doctor due to a few bad apples. As a mother, I am guilty of “shopping” for a pediatrician for my children. So, what does this say about me? Yet, I do understand both points of view, but it is still frustrating that that trust is the quintessential factor that is being lost. This loss of trust also reminds me of the recent shift we have all felt in how police officers are viewed.

Finally, I was filled with fear. A fear that made me realize I will need to work even harder as a doctor. Not only will we all be faced with a variety of complications, hopefully, nothing like the surgeons in the video, but instead with an invisible complication. A battle in trying to restore the trust and prestige of a doctor that TV shows like my example are stripping away layer by layer.

How can this be accomplished? Perhaps by doing one of the most difficult acts of valor and selfless -- publicly admitting to a medical complication, no matter the cost. Can you do it? If you were the surgeon in the video and had the ability to manipulate your team, would you? Or would you admit to the truth? A question I believe, we can answer easily in this safe forum, but would it be as easy in a real-life situation?


Posted comments on Kayla and Ilija's Installement #1's

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