Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Midterm reports

Indicate the topic & text you want to work on. Reports consist of a 500-word blog post, 15-minute presentation (in any preferred format) plus discussion (be sure to give us at least a couple of discussion questions) and a quiz over your presentation (and over any material you'd like to assign for us to read/watch/hear in advance). Be relevant, interesting, and provocative. Have fun.

Put a "V" next to your name if you volunteer (for a bonus run) to go first on Feb. 14.

1. Lilly Alegria: Concerning the eugenics argument for IQ and the weight of an IQ score. 

2. Crystal Benton: Regarding the process of passing.

3. Emma Long children and cochlear implants. I will be using the text "Cochlear implants in children : ethics and choices". 

4. Elizabeth Hodges.  Patient Care: Death and Life in the Emergency Room. Implications and solutions for the drain substance abuse has on healthcare resources. 

5. Brandon Alston Part VIII Selecting Traits, Selecting Children Beyond Bioethics

6. Sean Winsett: The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering. Epilogue-Embryo Ethics: The Stem Cell Debate.

7. Josiah Gibbs: Nature of Suffering; and the Goals of Medicine. Topic: Treatment and the Practitioner-Patient relationship.

8. Kevin Burge: Part III: "Emerging Biotechnologies, Extreme Ideologies: The Recent Past and Near Future", from Beyond Bioethics

9. Chris Julsgard: Being Mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end. Chapter: Hard Conversations

10. Nathaniel Deel: Hot Lights, Cold Steel by Michael J. Collins, MD.


  1. My text will be Eric Cassell's The Nature of Suffering: and the Goals of Medicine. I will intend to focus on his analysis of treatment and the practitioner-patient relationship. I claim slot 7.

  2. Paul Seward, MD. Patient Care: Death and Life in the Emergency Room. My topic: What can be done about the strain frequent substance abusers place on healthcare resources? I would like slot 4.

  3. Lilly ALegria (V) Feb. 14th
    Margilat Fox: Arthur R. Jensen Dies at 89: Sets Off Debate around IQ.

    My topic will be: Concerning the eugenics argument for IQ and the weight of an IQ score holds.

  4. Text will be The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering by Michael J. Sandel. I will be using the epilogue, Embryo Ethics: The Stem Cell Debate. Claiming slot 6.

  5. My topic will be children and cochlear implants. I will be using the text "Cochlear implants in children : ethics and choices". I am claiming slot 3.

  6. My topic is genetic and biotechnological editing, based on Part III: "Emerging Biotechnologies, Extreme Ideologies: The Recent Past and Near Future" of Beyond Bioethics. I'll take slot 8

  7. My topic is choosing genetic and phenotypical traits in children. In Part VIII "Selecting Traits, Selecting Children" Requesting slot 5.

  8. My text is Being Mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end. My chapter of choice is: Hard Conversations. I claim slot 9
