Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Empathetic Civilization

This video is called "Empathetic Civilization" by Jeremy Rifkin.

While this isn't exactly on topic with these two chapters we read (and may have a touch of pseudo science, y'all let me know), this is an interesting video that discusses something I believe is something we should continuously remember as we look at these issues brought up in Beyond Bioethics. A reoccurring problem I see is the short reach of our empathy, either due to misunderstandings or greed.

If we remind ourselves that we are more alike than not, we might be able to allow everyone to be engaged in these critical conversation. I would love to discuss what you guy's thoughts are on the video.

1 comment:

  1. Not pseudo-sciencey at all, IMHO. We definitely have sociability and empathy in our evolutionary reportoire of emotional responses, but cultural forces seem to be overwhelming them for too many of us lately. Our survival depends on closing that empathy deficit. Next step in our evolution?
