UPDATE, Apr. 22. "Solidity" having been partial, and the exam being long enough at 25 questions, I can assure you all that 1/3 of the questions will NOT come from your presentations. Thanks, Josiah, it was a reasonable request but evidently we're all pretty busy. At ease, everyone. jpo
****This isn't exact, but about 1/3 of questions come from our presentations. I think we could all do each other a solid by posting in the comments section the answers to our presentation questions so we can all do well and feel at ease! Just a suggestion ☺. I will be posting mine after my presentation today.****
-Class Quizzes-
2. What happened when Dennis Cotter submitted an editorial on the
drug epoetin?
4. Give an example of how bad drugs can be made to look good.
6. How did the publisher Elsevier damage its own reputation?
8. What would likely happen if the baby trade moved to a donor model?
10. What's a "mundane" example of appropriate parental control over the fate of their offspring?
4. Give an example of how bad drugs can be made to look good.
6. How did the publisher Elsevier damage its own reputation?
8. What would likely happen if the baby trade moved to a donor model?
10. What's a "mundane" example of appropriate parental control over the fate of their offspring?
2. The U.S. is the only developed country in the world without what?
4. Henrietta's chart described her "household" as what?
6. Why wasn't carcinoma in situ treated by most doctors in 1951?
8. Why wasn't Gey's assistant excited about the new cell sample?
10. What were Henrietta's children's consuming questions?
2. Steve Jones says we know what of genetics?
4. What's the best way to engineer a tall person, and what does
that tell us about the effects of "Many Assorted Genes..."?
6. What is Jessica Cussins' practical objection to the results
of DTC genetic tests?
8. There aren't enough what to support
population-wide screening for the BRCA genes?
10. How should leading geneticists have responded to loose talk in the early '90s (and still) about "the gay gene," "the violence gene," etc.?
10. How should leading geneticists have responded to loose talk in the early '90s (and still) about "the gay gene," "the violence gene," etc.?
2. Why was
BiDil removed from the market?
4. Funding in 2014 was 50% greater for research areas including the word gene (etc.) than for those including the word _____.
6. Creating ethical standards for medical research is the flip-side of what "coin"?
8. Apart from being extraordinarily lucrative for the local doctors who procure test subjects in developing countries, what's another important reason why so much human research is conducted in Africa and other poor regions outside the U.S.?
10. What two questions should be prerequisite to conducting research in the third world? What should precede human research anywhere in the world?
4. Funding in 2014 was 50% greater for research areas including the word gene (etc.) than for those including the word _____.
6. Creating ethical standards for medical research is the flip-side of what "coin"?
8. Apart from being extraordinarily lucrative for the local doctors who procure test subjects in developing countries, what's another important reason why so much human research is conducted in Africa and other poor regions outside the U.S.?
10. What two questions should be prerequisite to conducting research in the third world? What should precede human research anywhere in the world?
2. Why is speed critical in getting drugs approved and on the shelves as early as possible?
4. Guinea pigs rely mainly on what to insure their safety?
6. DARPA projects include research on drugsto keep soldiers awake and fed for how long?
8. Fear of chemical weapons during the Gulf War led to the administration of what vaccine prior to FDA approval?
10. What percentage of DARPA projects fail?
2. Women who experience failed fertility treatments often exhibit
symptoms of what?
4. How much does surrogacy typically cost in the U.S.?
6. What has become a cultural expectation for many LGBT people?
8. Who fills the need of outsourced surrogacy?
10. New reproductive technologies provoke a rethinking of kinship markers while raising what questions?
4. How much does surrogacy typically cost in the U.S.?
6. What has become a cultural expectation for many LGBT people?
8. Who fills the need of outsourced surrogacy?
10. New reproductive technologies provoke a rethinking of kinship markers while raising what questions?
2. What intentional act contributes to making surrogacy especially controversial?
4. What's problematic about the goal of racial family matching "in a commercial context"?
6. What was PlanetHospital's rationale for only accepting surrogates who already have children of their own?
8. Why does PH say all surrogate births must be by cesarean delivery?
10. Parents who disclosed their children's donor status regarded what as essential to the child-parent relationship?
2. What are
the two new alternatives to the "medical model" of disability?
4. Brief acquaintance with disabled people should demonstrate what?
6. The ADA of 1990 has not markedly altered what?
8. What analogy does Asch see between flying the Confederate flag and enumerating testable genetic diseases?
4. Brief acquaintance with disabled people should demonstrate what?
6. The ADA of 1990 has not markedly altered what?
8. What analogy does Asch see between flying the Confederate flag and enumerating testable genetic diseases?
2. Why does assisted reproduction in America get less oversight
than many other areas?
4. Preselecting _____ traits is no longer the stuff of sci-fi.
6. What did Richard Lewontin say about race and genetics?
8. Racial narratives are always about what?
10. Docs who use race as a diagnostic "shortcut" are blind to what, and have their attention diverted from what?
8. Racial narratives are always about what?
10. Docs who use race as a diagnostic "shortcut" are blind to what, and have their attention diverted from what?
2. What trendy unfounded argument may segregate medicine, fatten drugmakers' profits, and fail to address the underlying causes of premature African-American mortality?
4. Under what conditions should the FDA grant race-specific approvals?
6. What do many consumers not realize about DNA tests? Why?
8. What makes it difficult for two analysts to come to the same conclusion about fingerprints?
10. How did Lukis Anderson's DNA end up on Raveesh Kumra's body?
2. Critics of the standard Mendelian gene-centric view want to
depose genes as what?
4. What's P.Z. Myers's apt analogy for epistasis?
6. What's the mainstream scientific perspective on race?
8. Why does Obasogie think government has a moral and ethical responsibility to support race impact assessments of new biotechnologies?
8. Why does Obasogie think government has a moral and ethical responsibility to support race impact assessments of new biotechnologies?
2. "Our universities need to devote more resources" to what?
4. Why did
some progressives who support stem cell research oppose the 2004 California
stem cell initiative?
6. What do
"some feminists and social liberals and progressives... [and] free market
liberals and economic conservatives" say about commercial reproductive
Presentation 2:
What percentage of doctors believe an apology won’t affect a malpractice suit
being filed
them according to a Medscape survey?
How many brain surgeries were performed on the wrong side of the brain in one
year at Rhode Island Hospital?
How did Carol Weihrer describe being conscious during the surgery?
Legally, as it was not deemed compensation, what was the official reason the
Meija family was given the money?
Presentation 1:
2: What are
the three types of approaches doctors utilize according to Atul Gawande
4: By 2030, 1/2 or 2/3 of people worldwide will be essentially ______
Presentation 2:
What is a myocardial infarction?
What does START stand for?
When was the last time the DOT updated their ethical standards?
Presentation 1:
4. What is the suicide rate
for physicians?
6. Name the one quality that
separates good doctors from the very best.
Presentation 2:
What is the title of the essay I am discussing?
4. What
is phenomenology?
Presentation 1:
2. Who is Rene Descartes?
4. What does scientific medicine eschew? Objectivity or subjectivity?
6. According to Cassell, what is the obligation of physicians?
Presentation 2:
Who does Dobbs blame for perpetuating all the exaggerated stories surrounding
What leukemia drug serves as an example of the progress of genetic research?
How much was spent on the research and development of the Human Genome Project?
What bit of misinformation is part of 23AndMe’s marketing?
What is the bottom line business plan of most genetic testing companies?
Presentation 1:
2. What do Athanasiou and Darnovsky say that the techno-eugenic
vision urges us to forget about?
4. How much money was invested into biotechnology in 2015?
6. What are some things in the movie clip that the doctor
mentioned being able to manipulate?
8. What does Silver describe as “the ultimate legacy of
unfettered global capitalism?”
Presentation 2:
2. What are the two
principles that would morally require euthanasia under some circumstances?
4. Which did Dr. Cox employ with his patient, Lillian Boyes?
Sean Presentation 1:
2) Which
president vetoed the bill for stem cell research that was voted for and
approved by Congress?
4) Why is there no federal law prohibiting cloning of an embryo as of right now?
2. List a
"Code Status" and explain what it means.
4. What is a living will?
6. In the stage model, how many stages are there in the progression of dementia?
2. What kind of symptoms can look like a benefit in an
Autistic person?
4. Why can the term spectrum confuse people trying to understand Autism?
6. What kind of exposures to a pregnant woman are thought to increase the likelihood of Autism?
8. Are all comorbid conditions equally expressed in Autistic individuals? Why might this be?
Who warned against the treatment of only one part of the body?
Who coined the term Holism?
Quiz 1:
ReplyDelete2. George W. Bush
4. Because most officials and public opinion opposes and condemns it
Quiz 2:
2. Respect for the patient's autonomy and promotion of the patient's best interest
4. Active Euthanasia
Josiah Presentation 2:
ReplyDelete2. What is the title of the essay I am discussing?
The lived experience of disability
4. What is phenomenology?
The philosophical study of experience
Josiah Presentation 1:
2. Who is Rene Descartes?
A philosopher whose main contributions were dualism and a theory of nervous function
4. What does scientific medicine eschew? Objectivity or subjectivity?
6. According to Cassell, what is the obligation of physicians?
To relieve human suffering
Nathan's second presentation
ReplyDelete2. What is a myocardial infarction?
Heart attack
4. What does START stand for?
Simple triage and rapid treatment
6. When was the last time the DOT updated their ethical standards?
From Chris' second presentation
2. What percentage of doctors believe an apology won’t affect a malpractice suit being filed
against them according to a Medscape survey?
4. How many brain surgeries were performed on the wrong side of the brain in one year at Rhode Island Hospital?
6. How did Carol Weihrer describe being conscious during the surgery?
Like being roasted on a barbecue pit
8. Legally, as it was not deemed compensation, what was the official reason the Meija family was given the money?
To provide their son brain with a good life
2. Full Code, Do Not Resuscitate, Do Not Intubate
ReplyDelete4. Document that relays your wishes to medical professionals if you undergo cardiac arrest
6. Seven Stages
From my first presentation: 2: Paternalistic, Informative, Interpretive
ReplyDelete4:Middle Class