Friday, March 8, 2013

Religiosity of Medicine (Heather Davis)

Here's a link to Heather's blog, also linked in the right margin under "Bioethics Links"... & an excerpt from Part 1:
Should we or not lengthen life through artificial means?Is it acceptable to shorten life or dull the exposure of life through the use of pain medications? What is the expanse on how far a person can go to render a disease? This is but a fraction of the myriad of questions that have religious and spiritual significance to a large host of our society. These decisions deserve a sensitive yet direct approach. How can one's faith be taken into account if it is not acknowledged? And at what point does a professional know that faith is playing a role in the patients decision?

1 comment:

  1. Sensitive questions. It makes a big difference, doesn't it, whether the patient in question has expressed or recorded a clear preference as to the how much medical "interference" with the tenets of their religious faith they're willing to receive? That should be on file.
