Thursday, January 23, 2014

Group 1: Chapter 2 Discussion Summary

After taking the Quiz, we began discussing the thought exercise from the book. Kat talked about real life being much harder to predict, and that none us know how we'd actually react when thrust into the situation, which we all agreed with. We then transferred into virtue ethics, and discussed the difficulty in defining virtues. Next, we talked about euthanasia and the lines of whether it's ok or not. We generally agreed that even if someone is living, one must look at the potential quality of their lives in the future.

Our next topic of conversation came from Evan, and we discussed whether telling half truths or withholding information was acceptable. Kat decided that the decision was circumstantial, and then as a group we came to a consensus that it was generally ok, especially in relation to the doctor-patient confidentiality relationship. We then spent some time discussion the topic of abortion and when it would be ok. At the end of our conversation, we drifted back to the mayor dilemma and then finished up discussing some of our conclusions with Dr. Oliver.


  1. DQ-I would like our group to discuss perceptions on the different gender stereotypes mentioned in the readings. I did not realize that these stereotypes were actually still believed because they seem so archaic to me, so I would like to hear the group's thoughts.

    FQ-Which religious traditions are most akin to virtue ethics? Hinduism and Buddhism

    FQ-What does "embodiment" mean in the context of feminism?
    To not merely surrender to emotions and abandon the capacity to reason, but to recognize that our experiences, individuality, personal histories, and interactions are mediated by and connected to our bodies.

    Here is an interesting link on religion, morals, and bioethics. It relates that religion can give peace in times of hopeless outcomes, but suggests that bioethics in and of itself does not need religion to bolster its decisions.

  2. I was not at class on Thursday, but I completely agree with the idea you don't know how you will react until you are put into the situation. Even after considering all the logic and figuring out the best answer, it's easier to think you'd do something in a hypothetical situation where you are completely safe. Once you become emotionally involved, the whole scenario changes. I also agree with Kat that all situations are circumstantial. It is easy to say everyone is entitled to be informed the whole truth, because that is the accepted society norm. In reality though, all situations are accompanied by completely different frameworks, and cannot be generalized by one common schema. Sometimes we do everything in our power, including lie, to protect others' well beings, as well as ours.
    Okay now that I got that out onto the more relevant information pertaining to the reading.
    DQ- I would like to discuss whether the different gender stereotypes perhaps feed or build off each other,intertwining and being interdependent on one another, and how prevalent are they still in building different societies' attitudes.

    FQ- Which of the three major approaches in normative ethics is based on the concepts of virtue, practical wisdom, and eudaimonia, and which religions are based on this approach?
    virtue ethics; Hinduism and Buddhism
    This is just a silly comic link that I think accompanies the discussion of how everything is circumstantial, with no right or wrong answers; probably irrelevant but I found it somewhat interesting
    This link is an article that basically summarizes and outlines the ethical backbone in Hinduism, and we can see how it shadows and relates to virtue ethics.

  3. What is the generally accepted term for Eastern bioethics (often called the antithesis to western bioethics)?
    Familial Communitarianism

    What qualities are specifically attributed to the western ideals of bioethics?

    Should healthcare be forcibly made public so that it is more available? While this would destroy a job market, remove personal choice, and end a field currently ripe with opportunity is it better to support the general populace with public healthcare that is more readily available.


  4. (FQ) Name two of the four key concepts of feminism discussed in the book.
    (Pick any two) Marginalization, Embodiment, Empowerment, and Relational Autonomy.

    (FQ) What ancient philosophy is a powerful influence on many parts of Asia, dealing with the practice of ren and sustained by rituals of rites (li)?

    (FQ) What three religions discussed in the text stem from the monotheistic faith of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham?
    Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

    (DQ) I'd like to discuss whether feminist thinking is influencing the development of Western culture, or if it doesn't have a place in modern society.

    Link: This site details an interesting story in which the ACLU is suing a Catholic Hospital for not offering a woman an abortion when her water broke at 18 months, leading to an immense amount of pain.

    1. Logan, 18 months?! Please tell me that is a typo haha!

    2. Whoops!! I meant 18 weeks! haha Thanks for the catch!
