Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Group 1 Chapter 3 Discussion Summary

Following the quiz, our group touched upon some discussion questions that we had posted. We began by discussion gender stereotypes, and Kat brought to light some previously overlooked biases against women in the field of science and in sex education. We also touched upon the double-standard that it is acceptable for men to say they do not want to have children, but it is frowned upon for women to want to be childless. Dr. Oliver joined our group and remarked that there are still occupations that are very gender exclusive, such as stenography. Other examples of gender stereotypes were mentioned, and we recognized that they were present because they had been internalized into our culture.

Continuing on this gender line of thought, Dr. Oliver asked us what we thought about Nel Noddings' "feminine approach" theory. After some discussion, we concluded that we think both genders can possess "feminine" attributes and thought processes.

We then briefly touched on the origins of empathy and the differences in interactions between friend groups of solely girls and friend groups of solely guys to spot gender behavior differences. We also discussed the new emphasis on caring and empathizing with patients for both male and female physicians.

Next, Logan asked the group where they stood on the spectrum of the religious philosophies presented in the text.  Kat held an affinity for the community-oriented, "Golden Rule" traditions of Buddhism, a quote from Judaism resonated strongly with Logan, and I was very interested in the relaxed, karma-laden philosophies of Hinduism. We concluded with Evan and the rest of the group discussing Christian morals and values.


  1. (FQ) What are the three aspects of valid consent?
    The patient must be informed about the details of their treatment/procedure, the patient must be competent enough to make an informed decision, and the decision must be voluntary.

    (FQ) What does IVF stand for, and what relevance does this procedure have to pregnancies?
    In vitro fertilization, and this process is used to artificially fertilize harvested female eggs with harvested male sperm outside of the human body. After fertilization, the egg is placed back into a woman's body to develop.

    (FQ) What distinguishes palliative care from other forms of medicine?
    Patients have been diagnosed with a fatal condition, of which there is no cure, so the focus shifts from trying to cure the patient to making sure they have the appropriate care and support until they pass on.

    (DQ) I'd like to discuss the prospect of harvesting organs from deceased men and women, and the proper restrictions that should be placed on the exchange of these organs.

    Below is a link to a Bioethics Discussion Blog, on which the men and women are discussing the ethics of organ harvesting.


  2. FQ: What is the first, and arguably most, important consideration a health professional has in relation to his patients?
    Answ: Hes/She must always act within the welfare and best interests of his patients.
    FQ: Name one of the three discussed aspects of the clinical relationship that can be justified or betrayed?
    Answ: Commitment to our best interests, treatment with dignity and respect, and confidentiality.

    Philosophical question:
    Should a physician, or even person, attempt to preserve someone's life even if it is against their wishes?

  3. FQ: The Geneva Code of Medical Ethics was drawn up in 1948 after the medical atrocities from what significant event?
    A: World War II

    DQ: Do you think medical professionals "bully" patients into taking medications as opposed to natural remedies (for purposes of discussion, specifically anxiety and depression)? Are they violating the notion of "voluntary consent?"

    And a cartoon for funsies!

    1. As an aspiring physician, I'd like to think (idealistically) that doctors wouldn't use their knowledge to force treatments on patients, but seeing as there are many doctors of different ages coming from different educational backgrounds and schools of thought, I'm sure there are some. However, from what I've seen in the United States at least, I believe that the newer educational regime is on a trend towards giving patients more information and freedom of choice, so hopefully in the not too distant future, the "medical paternalism" ideology will start to fade away!

  4. I know I was the author and do not have to make any posts, but I do have a few thoughts on this chapter.

    DQ: I would like to know about the stances of my group members concerning the use of bodies after death for scientific research. Would they ever agree to being used as a cadaver?

    Here is an interesting link from CBS about "designer babies."
