Monday, April 2, 2018

Bases and Runs for April 2

Because we don't have a quiz post for tomorrow to comment on, I made this one so we could all still get our credit! Feel free to comment to get your runs.

Alternate Quiz Questions
1. How many immunological components are in a single bacterium?
2. What particularly unethical website has a high ranking in google searches for vaccination?
3. Who founded the website
4. T/F In the early nineteenth century there was no central licensing body for doctors, no set standards for practice, and medical degrees could be openly purchased.
5. What year was variolation made illegal in Britain?
6. What did the conscious clause act do?
7. What caused the first battlefield defeat in America's history?
8. What did the Jacobson v. Massachusetts Supreme court ruling do
9. What did immunity come to mean in the late nineteenth century?
10. What does the author's sister say can't be fully private?
11. What does the term regulation refer to in immunology?
12. What happened in Camden, NJ between the fall of 1901 and a few months later? What did it lead to?
13. It is both a luxury and a hazard to be threatened by what?
14. What is odd about the term immune system?
15. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship where according to Susan Sontag?

Discussion Questions
1. What epidemic do you think had the most impact on the idea of vaccinations and immunity?
2. Of those not getting vaccinated, do you think the majority are uneducated on the subject or are making the decision consciously?
3. Do you think vaccinations should be made mandatory? Why, or why not? How would it be implemented and enforced?

Here is an article from the LA Times on how California's personal-belief exemption is currently playing out. It is extremely insightful if you are interested in the third discussion question.
California Vaccine Exemption


  1. Thanks,Cameron. We can also discuss DQs from the last chapters of "On Immunity" tomorrow, but we'll wait and go over the quiz next week.

  2. DQ 1: I think the that the MMR vaccination had the biggest impact, just based on the sheer number of individuals affected before vaccination.

    DQ 2: It's easy to say "you're all uneducated idiots" where anti-vaccers are concerned. I'm sure, however, some of them are highly intelligent people, with legitimate concerns. The issue here is misinformation, rather than lack of knowledge, many are filled with a false knowledge.

    DQ 3: Yes, vaccinations should be mandatory. Why? Unvaccinated people provide a vessel by which a virus (or bacteria) may mutate, and thus be resistant to a current set of functioning vaccinations. A new pandemic could form.
    Policies cutting privileges such as public education, and government assistance, or insurance rates would be an effective means by which to coerce most of the populous I think.

  3. Answers to Cameron’s questions
    5. 1775
    6. Allowed parents to apply for exemption of vaccination of infants
    7. The Continental Army falling ill to smallpox
    8. Compulsory vaccination laws but requires states to offer exemptions for individuals who are subject to injustice or oppression
    9. Freedom from disease and from service
    10. Morality

    Discussion question
    From the Jacobson vs Massachusetts ruling, explain what you think individuals subject to injustice or oppression characteristics might include?

    Alternate quiz questions
    1. What was the slogan common to vaccine activism?
    2. What is Paul Offit known as on the internet?
    3. According to Biss how many children die from rotavirus in the developing world each year?
    4. What infections could chicken pox lead to?
    5. What was the word conscientious meant to signal?
    6. What order did Washington implement for all recruits?
    7. How is immunity used in context today compared to how being used as exemption from service?
    8 What is Variola Minor?
    9. How does Biss’ sister describe the relationships of dependence?
    10. What does Kant call the inner judge?
    11. What is one of the mercies of immunity produced by vaccination according to Biss?
    12. What is the moral hazard?

  4. Answers:
    1. Between 2000 and 6000
    2. Generation Rescue
    3. Kathleen Siedel
    4. T
    5. 1841
    6. Allowed parents to apply for exemption to Britain’s Compulsory Vaccination Act of 1853
    7. Smallpox
    8. It was an effort to balance the interests of the collective and the power of the state against the rights of the individual; states must offer exemptions to compulsory vaccination laws.
    9. Freedom from disease; Freedom from service
    10. Morality
    11. The strategies the body employs to avoid doing damage to itself.
    12. Nine children died after receiving a smallpox vaccine contaminated with tetanus; lead to regulation of vaccines.
    13. The invisible
    14. It is a metaphor for the prevailing sense of the vulnerability of the human individual in a hostile world.
    15. Everyone holds dual citizenship in the kingdom of the well and the kingdom of the sick.
