Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Excited for Spring?


With all the bad in the world right now, it nice to take a step back and remember the joys of Spring. 

This picture is the result of me leaving for Spring Break and visiting with family. It got me in the spirit of rebirth, evolution, new life, and growth, these are the themes surrounding Spring, and while I typically take the side of the pessimist, I find myself hoping for a much better world situation when we say goodbye to Spring and welcome Summer. 

Maybe I'm just being a Shrek and loving onions. Who knows. 

Is anyone else looking forward to the Spring? 


  1. Yes and yes again! Spring is my favorite and I truly am a different person when the weather is nice and flowers are blooming.

  2. I love a 70 degree day when I can be outside and throw open the windows.
