Saturday, January 21, 2017

The New World Order.

Hey Guys,
I would like to share with you this part from Lemert's book "Social Theory". In his book, he talks, in general, about the new world order. What is meant by the new world order? What place will it allow for the old ways? what new demands will it put before human beings? Actually, questions like these nag at us, whatever our policies or ethics or situation in life. In this respect, the end of the twentieth century is a time much like the end of the nineteenth. We are asked what to make of the new world order. We are asked to think about the world in terms different from those used before.
As what I said and mentioned in my first post about the ethical relativism from one society to another. Also this part I just shared above from Lemert's book "Social Theory" talk about a new world order which means we have to use and think about the world in terms different from those used before. Indeed, we have to think differently about bioethics and its questions, laws, demands, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    I don't suppose Lemert was thinking about the impact of political regime change on bioethics, but that's definitely something we need to be thinking about, antipating, and responding to. The new American presidential administration promises to be hostile to women's reproductive freedom and generally anti-science. How to save the republic of life, so to speak, thus becomes a paramount concern.
