Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daily Quiz

Feb 4

Group 3, where are you?

1. Name one offour R's used in international legislation pertaining to animal rights in research?

2. What is World Health Organization's '10/90 Gap' referring to? 

3. Name one of  four areas of research discussed in the book.

4. What decree states that consent must be gained in all experimentation with human beings?

5. What method do scientists use when carrying out epidemiological research?
6. What is the term for altering the numbers in a calculation to make the hypothesis more convincing, with no justification form the research findings for such members?
7. Name two of the four codes that protect an individual from malicious research.

8. 8. Which famous, contemporary philosopher coined a term called speciesism?

Also of note:
* In what kind of a randomized clinical trail (RCT) does neither the researcher nor the research subject know to which group any patient is assigned?

1. (pg 123) Respect, reduction, refinement, and replacement 

2. (pg 133) Less than 10% of the funds spent on health research is devoted to the health problems which account for 90% of global disease.

3. Clinical trials, medical research with animals, genetic research, and epidemiological research.

4. The Nuremberg Code

5. Looking for associations between large banks of data gathered over extended periods of time.

6. Falsification Page 127 Ch. 5 Cameron

7. (protection of the research participant is paramount, independent ethical review, scientific validity, fully informed and voluntary consent, acceptable balance of risks and benefits. p.116)

8. (Peter Signer. p122) 

double blind. p.121

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