Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Compiled Test Quesitons

Compiled Questions

1. The idea of teleportation originated with Gene Roddenberry.

2. The biggest misconception about teleportation is that it involves sending material stuff

3. With synthesized DNA, says Venter, it will eventually be possible to create all forms of life.

4. Antibiotics are all destined to become useless after a while, and genomics cannot help

5. Why did Venter's team add "watermarks" to their synthetic genome
           (To distinguish it from any naturally occurring species)

6. The process of transferring the genome of one species into the cell of another is called ______.
           (Nuclear Transfer)

7. What was the first live organism sequenced by Venter's method
           (Haemophilus Influenzae)

8. Who pioneered the plus-minus sequencing of DNA and sequenced the first viral DNA genome?
           (Fred Sanger)

1. What two scientists are credited with the discovery of the structure of DNA?
James Watson and Francis Crick

2. True/False: Ribosomes transcribe DNA into RNA


3. What color do gram positive bacteria stain?


4. What way does radiation affect DNA structure?

It breaks the chemical bonds that link the nitrogenous bases together

5. Who was the German embryologist who published the first nuclear-transplantation experiments, pioneer of his self-named "developmental mechanics," and awarded the Nobel Prize for his efforts in 1935?

Hans Spemann (p. 97)

6. What example does Venter use for reconciling that his positive innovations could potentially be used for negative purposes?

The use of fire, since the beginning of human existence, could be used for good or evil. pg 154

7. What was the name of the Japanese project to turn Mycoplasma genitalium into a computer-simulated version of the cell? 

E-Cell Project

8. What scientist is known for her work on bacterial cell division and proving spatial organization inside of bacterial cells, especially in regards to division and the cell cycle?

Lucy Shapiro (p.145)

9. What does Venter think is a very realistic and specific way that drug resistant infections can be treated in the future?

Synthetic bacteriophages (pg 176)

10. What television series popularized the idea of the transporter?

Star Trek (p. 160)

1.T/F. There is as much biomass in the subsurface of the Earth as in the entire visible world.

2.What are some key producers of genetic mutations?
(Oxygen and UV radiation)

3.What makes phages a possible alternative to anti-bacterial disease?
(Their specificity for the targeted bacterial culture)

4.Name 2 of the 5 guiding ethical principles which are considered relevant to the social implications of emerging technologies.
(Public beneficence, responsible stewardship, intellectual freedom and responsibility, democratic deliberation, justice and fairness)

5. Proteins that contain a zinc atom and are shaped like an index finger which help read the DNA software are called _____?
(zinc fingers)

6. What natural technique do bacteria perform to coordinate the behaviors of their cell populations?
(Quorum sensing)

7. What was the first organism to be modeled in precise detail?
(Mycoplasma genitalium)

8. T/F. Pansperima is a hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets and planetoids.

9. T/F. Specialized cells can be returned into an immature cell.

10.  Eukaryotic cell's engulfment of the microbial mitochondria driven by evolution is called ____?

11.   How much genetic material do Modern humans and Neanderthals share?

12. T/F In the late 18th century/early 19th century, scientists had a hard time accepting DNA as a ''code script'' because it seemed far too simple in composition to transmit genetic information.

13. ___ is more versatile than DNA in a way that it is both an information carrier and an enzyme.
(RNA, ribonucleic acid)

14. T/F. Human and bacterial ribosomes are indistinguishable, thus taking antibiotics harms both the bacterial and the human cells equally.

15. The age in which the once distinct domains of computer codes and those that program life are beginning to merge is called _____?
(The Digital Age of biology)