1. What one thing gave Mr. Colovos joy in "Limitations"?
2. What was wrong with the patient in "Giving Bad News"?
3. What was Dr. Westerhaus feeling anxious about in "Reclaiming the Lost Art of Listening"?
4. The advocates of efficient health care will be quick to argue that longer patient visits are not ?
5. How long was the code for the baby until his death was announced in "Imagine How You'd Feel?"
6. To hear the heartbeat under the noise of the air, we had to (in "A Murmur in the ICU").
1. How do you feel about Mr. Colovo and Dr. Feldman saying that maybe it would have been better if he had died in the accident? How would you have helped him with his attitude?
2. Answer the questions at the end of "Reclaiming the Lost Art of Listening": Was listening to the patient's grief therapeutic? Did the doctor compromise the care of other patients because of the time he spent with this patient?
3. If you were the mother in "Imagine How You'd Feel", would you want a picture with your dead child?
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