Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

I apologize for the underlining.

1. What was the phrase that almost all admission notes contained? (P.38)
2. What was the condition called during which Lia would continue seizing  and seizing  without  regaining consciousness?  (P.39)
3. If you want to know what a 5 minute  seizure is like, what should  you do? (Pp.39-40)

4. What caused an aspiration pneumonia for Lia, according  to a note in her discharge? (P.40)

5.Why did the Lee's have a harder time persuading Lia to take her meds than the nurses did? (P.45)

6.Why did the Lee's  have no way of writing down instructions?  (P.46)
7. What was the only way to determine optimal type and amount of anticonvulsant medications for Lia? (P.47)

Should doctors have provided anurse to come and administer daily meds once they realized inconsistencies, given the language barrier?

Should Loa have been kept in foster care to ensure proper dosage?

What could doctors do to help when dealing with irrational beliefs deeply ingrained in patients from other cultures?

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