Thursday, February 5, 2015

Just in case Anyone want to Find Out What Followed the Case of the Pregnant Woman on Life Support

This case definitely gives you something to think about.


  1. Chapter 5 discussion questions and fact questions


    1. The codes created for research share in common these basic requirements: protection of the research participants as a paramount, independent ethical review, scientific validity of the research, fully informed and voluntary consent, and an acceptable balance of risks and benefits. True or False? (BB 116)
    Answer: True

    2. Which code states, "the well being of the individual research subject must take precedence overt all other interests."? (BB 117)
    Answer: Helsinki Declaration

    3. What is therapeutic misconception? (BB 119)
    Answer: participants wrongly believe that the research will be beneficial when there is no guarantee of benefit

    4. What code states, "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential."? (BB 119)
    Answer: Nuremberg Code

    5. What are the four R's of animal use? (BB 123)
    Answer: Respect, reduction, refinement and replacement

    6. What are the forms of misconduct in research? (BB 126)
    Answer: fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and false claims to authorship

    7. What are the categories of human enhancement? (BB 130)
    Answer: physical, lifespan extension, cognitive, mood and moral enhancement

    1. How can we keep misconduct from happening in research?

  2. Just wanted to share these with the class. The first is a journal article from the Lancet (you can make a free account and view the articles in their entirety. Published on January 25, 2015, this article is titled Nutritional Medicine as Mainstream in Psychiatry

    The article touches on supplements like Omega-3's, alpha lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine (among other supplements) and there upcoming place in psychiatry. Additionally, within the last two weeks the APA finally acknowledged energy treatment modalities as potentially beneficial and could be something for health practitioners to consider as well.

  3. FQ:What does RCT stand for?
    A: randomized clinical trial
    DQ: Should research participants be allowed to see all relevant data of the studies that they are in?

  4. DQ: Should insurance companies have access to genetic information concerning the people that use their services? Should that information allow them to treat the people differently?

  5. BB ch 5 Fact questions and Discussion questions
    1.The methods used to achieve what has been called 'evidence-based medicine' explores all aspects of biomedical science that are crucial to our well-being. (T/F) (P.115)

    2. What are one of requirements for conducting research involving human subjects? (P.116)

    3. What is therapeutic misconception? (P.119)

    4. Name one of the four types of research discussed in this chapter? (P.121)

    5. What are one of the different forms of misconduct in research? (P.126)

    6.In 1996 the WHO Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research reported a '_____' gap. (P.131)


    1.What can we do to reduce the 10/90 gap?

    2. What are your views on the Transhumanist movement?
